Colour/Black&White: Blue Jay Morning

The Blue Jay is an intelligent bird with pretty blue and white coloured feathers. They stay around all year no matter how cold the winter temperatures here on P.E.I..

The Blue Jays were shrieking from the tree tops this morning, signalling me to feed them.

They know when I’m out of bed and don’t like me lingering over a cuppa java.

“Hey human, pay attention to my needs!”

I throw them out bird seed and peanuts. They are quick to land on the back deck and start filling their stomachs. They clean up everything before the chickadees, doves or any other birds can have any.

Blue Jays can live a fairly long life. I don’t know if these are the same blue jays that have been with me for years or their descendants. Either way, I always enjoy seeing them.

Photos taken this morning with my Canon EOS

Location- Prince Edward Island, Canada

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