Clear Blue Sky on Mount Bromo

Last June, I and My Family had a holiday and visited a lot of places on Java Island. One of the places that we visit was Mount Bromo. That was the first time I go to a mountain and was amazed by the view. This is something new for me as I grew up in a lowland located far from the mountains.

We start the journey at 00:00 AM as the tour leader told us that we were trying to catch the sunrise. We did catch the moment, but as that day was a holiday, the place was too crowded and I can't even get a proper picture of the sunrise moment. I'm a bit disappointed with that, but I try to get another picture of those views as not every day I can visit this place. Luckily I found breathtaking views where the skies were very clear without any clouds at that time. Here are some photos that I took at that moment and hope you like them.

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