It's me. Hi!

Hello you, who somehow found this post.

My name is Laura Pedroso, I’m 21 years old and I am currently studying Biology at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, a Brazilian public higher learning institution.

Since at a young age, I’ve been interested in learning more about all forms of life and, even before knowing what a biologist does, I’d always say I was going to be one. And so, through high school, I decided that was what I really wanted to do for a living. Now that I am actually studying and working to become a biologist, I am falling even more in love with the variety of life.

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For now, I’m still not decided on which area I want to focus on, so I’m trying to learn and absorb all knowledge that I can to find something that I love and identify with. Also, I’m involved with a lot of projects in my university to improve myself in every way possible, seeking a better version of myself, that can and will be a great professional.

In the future, I hope to do a master’s degree and, who knows, even a doctorate. I think that it would be awesome to have this type of degree, researching, studying, and maybe contributing to something big, and then I would be so proud of myself. But above all, as long as I can keep doing what I like, have a financially stable life and achieve my personal goals, I would already feel fulfilled.

Even though I am just at the beginning of this long journey, I am really excited for what this year and the next two till my graduation awaits for me. I’ve been experiencing so many cool things and learning a lot (also working and studying really hard), and I couldn’t be happier with where I am today.

Here on this platform, I hope I can contribute with the “Hive-Science” community (developed by a project I am part of) so we can build a free space for scientific divulgation, thanks to the blockchain technology.

To finish, I would like to apologise for any mistake that I might have made through this post. Even though I’ve studied English really hard through the last almost 10 years, writing is still something I’m not really confident with, since it’s not my first language and I don’t practice as much as I should, but I tried and I’ll keep trying my best.

Thank you for spending your time on reading this, and I can’t wait to be using the Hive platform even more in the future :)

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