Esp~Eng Volvi🙋‍♀️:Viaje en Familia a la Isla de Margarita 👨‍👩‍👦🏝/I came back🙋‍♀️: Family Trip to Margarita Island 👨‍👩‍👦🏝.

Hola queridos amigos hiver's espero esten muy bien, BIENVENIDOS A MI BLOG hoy vengo a contarles la razón de mi ausencia estos últimos 7 días pues les cuento que me fui para MARGARITA fue una invitación de repente, aquí les voy a contar gran parte de mi viaje, donde fui, hay varias cosas que les contaré que no pude tomar fotos y unas otras que me tomaron de otro teléfono y nos las consiguen😕 pero como les digo cosas que pasan. Mi hijo mayor no estuvo con nosotros porque le tocaba estar con su papá 🥲.

Hello dear hiver's friends I hope you are very well, WELCOME TO MY BLOG today I come to tell you the reason for my absence these last 7 days because I tell you that I left for MARGARITA it was an invitation suddenly, here I am going to tell you a large part of my trip Where I went, there are several things that I will tell you that I could not take photos and some others that they took from another phone and they get them for us😕 but how do I tell them things that happen. My oldest son was not with us because he had to be with his father 🥲 .

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Les cuento:

Mi cuñado salió de vacaciones y se fue a pasarlas para Margarita y llamo a mi esposo el pasado jueves 9 para que nos fuéramos el viernes 10 para MARGARITA pero la salida del ferry era en puerto la cruz a las 11am porque los pasajes los compraron por allá.

Por esa razon salimos de aquí a las 4 am, estaba un poco agotada porque me acosté tarde arreglando todo.

I tell you:

My brother-in-law went on vacation and went to spend them for Margarita and I called my husband last Thursday the 9th so that we could leave on Friday the 10th for MARGARITA but the ferry departure was in Puerto la Cruz at 11am because they bought the tickets there .

For that reason we left here at 4 am, I was a little exhausted because I went to bed late fixing everything.


Pasamos por cumana echando un poco más de gasolina y seguimos, mi esposo maneja muy bien y llegamos a puerto la cruz a las 9:40am muy buena hora, llegamos derecho a la empresa donde trabaja mi cuñado para guardar el carro y encontrarnos con unos amigos que también iban con nosotros.

We went through Cumana putting a little more gasoline and we continued, my husband drives very well and we arrived at Puerto la Cruz at 9:40 a.m. very good time, we arrived right at the company where my brother-in-law works to keep the car and meet some friends that were also with us.



Nos fuimos para donde íbamos a tomar el ferry, nos estaba esperando ya la persona que nos compró los pasajes, luego pasamos al chequeo de maletas y mientras esperabamos le tome una foto a esta niña junto a la cola que haciamos con muchísima calor🥵y con tapabocas😷😬.

We went to where we were going to take the ferry, the person who bought the tickets was waiting for us, then we went to the luggage check and while we waited I took a photo of this girl next to the queue that we made with a lot of heat 🥵 and with mask😷😬.


Luego abordamos el ferry que tenia por nombre PARAGUANA I, era super cómodo con aire, nos tomamos varias fotos bromeando y nos dormimos para que el viaje se nos hiciera más corto, salimos a las 11:00am y llegamos a las 4pm gracias a Dios todo bien😃

Then we boarded the ferry that had the name PARAGUANA I, it was super comfortable with air, we took several photos joking and fell asleep so that the trip would be shorter, we left at 11:00 am and arrived at 4pm thank God all good😃



Este fue nuestro 1er día en Margarita (Día viernes):
mi cuñado ya nos esperaba, compramos unas cervezas y nos fuimos a la urbanización Costa Azul en el apartamento de una tia de mi esposo donde nos íbamos a quedar, nos cambiamos y fuimos a la piscina de la urbanización, mi bebe estaba muy emocionado, lo puse en la orilla de la piscina pequeña y me descuide y mi hijo se me estaba ahogando😔😪 gracias a Dios que me di cuenta a tiempo me meti a agarrarlo y estaba super asustado y mi bebé llorando y ya no quiso mas nada con la piscina tuvimos que salirnos y nos fuimos a la casa no tome foto de nada porque no tenia ánimos de nada por lo que paso, cenamos parrilla.

That was our 1st day in Margarita (Friday):
My brother-in-law was already waiting for us, we bought some beers and we went to the Costa Azul urbanization in the apartment of an aunt of my husband, where we were going to stay, we changed and went to the swimming pool of the urbanization, my baby was very excited, I put it on the edge of the small pool and I neglected it and my son was 😔😪drowning thank God that I realized in time I got in to grab it and I was super scared and my baby was crying and he didn't want anything more with the We had to leave the pool and we went home. I didn't take a picture of anything because I didn't feel like anything because of what happened. We had a barbecue dinner.

Esta foto fue cuando llegamos.
This photo was when we arrived.

El segundo día (Día sabado): nos levantamos temprano hicimos desayuno a repas con carne recalentada de la parrilla y café, desayunamos y nos fuimos a ver a la Virgen del Valle, hicimos cola para entrar a ver su santuario solo se puede estar unos minutos porque va mucha gente a visitar el lugar.

The second day (Saturday): we got up early, we had breakfast over the course with reheated meat from the grill and coffee, we had breakfast and we went to see the Virgen del Valle, we queued to enter to see her sanctuary, you can only stay a few minutes because many people go to visit the place.




Venden muchas cosas bisutería, virgenes, flores, tarjetas...

They sell many things, jewelry, virgins, flowers, cards ...


La iglesia es super grande y con una estructura muy bella.

The church is super big and with a very beautiful structure.


Hace mucho sol y por ende mucha calor☀️🥵.

It is very sunny and therefore very hot☀️ 🥵.


Luego de ahí nos fuimos al centro comercial Sambil a caminar, ver, conocer, comprar y comer.

Then from there we went to the Sambil shopping center to walk, see, meet, buy and eat.




No podían faltar los berrinches de mi bebe🤭😬

My baby's tantrums couldn't be missing🤭😬


De ahí nos fuimos a las 7pm a la casa super cansadas de caminar.

From there we went home at 7pm, super tired of walking.


Cenamos perros calientes con chorizos ahumados asados muy ricos estaba tan cansada que no tome fotos😁😅.

We had hot dogs with very rich roasted smoked sausages for dinner I was so tired I did not take pictures😁😅.

El tercer dia (Día domingo):
hicimos igual que el anterior desayunamos huevos revueltos con arepas y café, desayunamos y salimos para playa El Yaque, me gusta la playa pero por la tranquilidad, la briza, mas no me gusta bañarme en ella😬🤭.

The third day (Sunday):
We did the same as the previous one, we had scrambled eggs with arepas and coffee for breakfast, we had breakfast and went to El Yaque beach, I like the beach but because of the tranquility, the breeze, but I don't like to bathe in it😬🤭.



Estuvimos en playa El Yaque hasta las 4 de la tarde tomamos cervezas y nos fuimos a una pollera a comer pollo asado y salimos de ahí para la casa, nos bañamos y preparamos comida para cenar.

We were at El Yaque beach until 4 in the afternoon, we had beers and we went to a skirt to eat roast chicken and we left there for the house, we bathed and prepared food for dinner.

El cuarto día( Día lunes): preparamos arepas con ensalada de atún y café desayunamos y salimos a pasear pues era el último día del viaje.

The fourth day (Monday): we prepare arepas with tuna salad and coffee, have breakfast and go for a walk as it was the last day of the trip.


Fuimos a Porlamar y almorzamos a la orilla de la playa un pescado que se llama pargo gallo riquísimo con patacones y papas fritas.

We went to Porlamar and had lunch on the shore of the beach, a fish called red snapper, delicious with patacones and French fries.


Paseamos un poco mas y nos fuimos a la casa, hice unos pepitos que es pan con carne, chorizo, salsas y pepitas, cenamos y nos pusimos a arreglar las maletas y limpiar la casa porque nos veníamos al día siguiente.

We walked a little more and went home, I made some pepitos which is bread with meat, chorizo, sauces and pepitas, we had dinner and started to fix our bags and clean the house because we were coming the next day.


El último día (Día Martes) mejor dicho las pocas horas que nos quedaban del viaje, nos levantamos super temprano para que nos diera tiempo desayunar antes de irnos hicimos huevos revueltos don chorizo y arepa, desayunamos y nos fuimos a tomar el ferry.

The last day (Tuesday) rather the few hours that we had left of the trip, we got up super early so that we had time to have breakfast before we left we made scrambled eggs don chorizo ​​and arepa, we had breakfast and we went to take the ferry.


Mi cuñado había llevado su carro y le pidió a mi esposo que el lo subiera al ferry, hicimos una cola de pocos minutos y embarcamos, y tomamos haciento en la popa del ferry muy lindo.

My brother-in-law He had brought his car and asked my husband to put it on the ferry, we queued for a few minutes and boarded, and we took a dozen on the stern of the very nice ferry.



Salimos al medio día y llegamos a las 4 de la tarde a puerto la cruz, llegamos a la casa de mi cuñado cenamos y a descansar.

We left at noon and arrived at Puerto la Cruz at 4 in the afternoon, we arrived at my brother-in-law's house, had dinner and to rest.


Al siguiente día regresamos a casa pues ya teníamos que volver a nuestras rutinas diarias.

The next day we returned home as we already had to go back to our daily routines.


Gracias a Dios todo estuvo bien durante el viaje.

Thank God everything was fine during the trip.

No pude estar con uds esos dias porque la señal era muy mala y no había wifi.

I couldn't be with you those days because the signal was very bad and there was no Wi-Fi.

Es todo amigos quise compartirles un poco de mi viaje, los extrañe mucho, pero ya estoy de nuevo por acá.

It's all friends. I wanted to share a bit of my trip with you, I missed you a lot, but I'm here again.


Aqui les dejo mas fotos de la linda MARGARITA😃.

Here I leave more photos of the beautiful MARGARITA😃.




las imagenes son exclusivamente tomadas de mi telefono Samsung A11 y algunas del redmi note 9 de la esposa de mi cuñado.

The images are exclusively taken from my Samsung A11 phone and some from my brother-in-law's wife's Redmi Note 9.

• Gracias por visitar mi blog 💖

• Thanks for visiting my blog 💖

• Dios les bendiga 😇

• God bless you 😇

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