Life and work

Today we live under constant stress, anguish and worry, which in the long run can lead to problems and illnesses. Sometimes it can be difficult not to focus most of the time on work in order to generate enough to cover expenses, especially in our country. However, if we only focus on work we will neglect our family, friends, and personal needs.

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Although technology has streamlined many of the activities in our jobs, it has also prevented us from disconnecting when we are away from work, sometimes that means being in contact by phone, receiving instructions after hours to perform unplanned work. Companies must work to help the worker to achieve this balance, as it affects both the worker and the company, additionally they will benefit in the sense that productivity will increase, as they will feel more motivated being a key factor for their performance, encourages commitment to the company with which they will have the talent they need.

Now, is it possible to find a balance between work and personal life? How can it be achieved?

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The balance suggests to manage in the best way the time we dedicate to work and the time we dedicate to ourselves, in this way we can enjoy a better quality of life, because as they say, everything in excess is bad.

Some tips to achieve balance in your life consist of:

Dedicate time to yourself: this will help you maintain your health which is the most important thing, daily do activities that you like, listen to music, read, be in contact with nature, write, rest, exercise or simply enjoy moments of silence.

Strengthen your relationships: it is useless to be successful if you have no one to share it with, so schedule activities with your family, children, plan vacations for rest and enjoyment, change your environment and share with friends.

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Define your goals: we can not leave without knowing where we are going, in life we must take the time to plan and work every day to accomplish what we set out, we must prioritize what really has it, we can set short-term goals this will help us avoid frustration and stress.

Manage time: it is often easy to spend a lot of time checking social networks, emails, talking on the phone, so we must focus our attention on really important activities and during the time we spend at work be as efficient as possible.

There are several strategies that companies can take to improve this relationship, such as being more flexible with schedules, which will allow the worker to fulfill their personal activities, train them in the area of personal development, implement new ways of working such as teleworking, organize sports days, excursions among others.

It may seem very difficult to achieve the balance between work and personal life and it may take more time than we think, but each step will lead us to live the life we want.

For the moment I say goodbye, until next time, thanks for reading!

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