馃幍 Hive Open Mic Week 11 - "San Juan to' lo tiene" (Cover)

Snap-San Juan to lo tiene.png

Once again, after almost 48 hours, I had to give up trying to upload my video to #threespeak and go to Youtube, because it's already Sunday and if not I'm going to stay out of #Openmic.

One of the Venezuelan composers who wrote merengues of great impact was Eduardo Serrano, who is the author of the famous "Barlovento". That area of the country undoubtedly had a great impact on him, since he also composed another song that refers to Saint John, who is the favorite saint of that region and who is worshipped in many ways and with some of the most important festivities that take place in Venezuela. The title of this merengue: "San Juan to' lo tiene" (St. John has everything).

Four days ago, on June 24, Saint John's Day was celebrated, which, in the entire region of Barlovento, is celebrated with drums.

So in honor of that celebration, I decided to record this tasty merengue, adding now as part of my instrumentation, the trombone.

This is my participation in the Hive Open Mic, week 11.


Una vez m谩s, despu茅s de casi 48 horas, tuve que dejar desistir de subir mi video a #threespeak e ir a Youtube, porque ya es domingo y si no me voy a quedar fuera de #Openmic.

Uno de los compositores venezolanos que escribi贸 merengues de gran 茅xito fue Eduardo Serrano, que es el autor del famoso "Barlovento". Sin duda esa zona del pa铆s le caus贸 un gran impacto, ya que tambi茅n compuso otra canci贸n que hace referencia a San Juan, que es el santo favorito de esa regi贸n y que es venerado de muchas maneras y con algunas de las fiestas m谩s importantes que se celebran en Venezuela. El t铆tulo de este merengue: "San Juan to' lo tiene".

Hace cuatro d铆as, el 24 de junio, se celebr贸 el d铆a de San Juan, que en toda la regi贸n de Barlovento se celebra con tambores.

As铆 que en honor a esa celebraci贸n, decid铆 grabar este sabroso merengue, a帽adiendo ahora como parte de mi instrumentaci贸n, el tromb贸n.

Esta es mi participaci贸n en el Hive Open Mic, semana 11.


My entry / Mi participaci贸n


Ylich El Ruso


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