Joy is in the small things. We can weave magic out of the ordinary. What makes YOU happy? + An illustrated guide of some of my favourite things


Our endless search for happiness

I know for many it's been hard... this decade is being challenging in many ways... and on top of the turmoil each of us face their own struggles. I'm not even ready to share mine here, but I'm sure everyone can relate. And I hope you find this post motivational and inspirational. It goes along with my own photography as well, but I wish you participate interactively and reply and share the things that make you happy. I will upvote every meaningful participation in comments.

The importance of our attitude to overcome struggle

If nothing changes we just have to change it ourselves... why not now? (from one of my songs)
Yes I know sometimes it is not easy... and it's not what we expect... but we can change a great deal of things just by shifting the way we face them. But what about HAPPINESS...? Maybe it's not a destination but a your journey. It could be also learning something new.
It's all in the small things... those that can comfort you and make your day better. Sometimes we do not appreciate their true worth, but they are precisely the ones that might mean the most in our most important quest, the search for happiness.
Everyone is different, so I do not like to make general statements, but sometimes people are victims of their own unrealistic prospects. I am not saying it's bad to have ambitions, but when you lift your anchor from the present moment to sail into the unknown to pursue unrealistic goals without a chart, some end drifting and frustrated and losing their motivation. The only measure of success that is worth is your own happiness. Not things, not money... so sure, be consistent and determined but don't forget to appreciate those things that will light your way through.

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ps. I do face struggle, we all do. I'm not going to say "It's nothing", "Just think positive", "your luck is what you have attracted" NO. We are warriors and we fight, and some of you face stressful and complicated situations, even illness, but even in those cases, we can try our best (we do not have to bend to the pressure of others to validate what is our BEST, only you can do that, warrior!)

Be kind to yourself. Be proud of yourself, whether you have already reached your goals or not. Be proud of your steps on the way. Be proud when you trip and fall and stand up again.
And feel HAPPY and grateful everytime you finish something that allows you to move forward with renewed enthusiasm.
One step at a time...

dandelions - by priscilla Hernandez (

There will be things you will need to accept too, there are challenges you will have to learn how to overcome... Denial is not a solution either. But how to overcome difficulties also makes us who we are, and then even that becomes an empowering thing.

Weave magic out of the ordinary

Remember every brand new day is a fresh start... And you can try your BEST you can
Happiness is not a long term goal and a prize you should achieve at the end, it's something you need to nourish every day... you always have a "choice" and you can find it, you can weave your magic out of the ordinary. Those sparks in the darkness, those tiny delights, and if facing a tough situation you can always recall them. At the end such small things are ENORMOUS, they make a BIG difference and will account for many shards of happiness, strands that we weave together will hold us firmly when we need to brace for a fall. Because we fall... we fall many times, and we stand up again. Those little things will help you achieve great things and you might discover that happiness lies in those special daily moments. Smile to greet the warmth of sun. Smile because you are here and you are unique. Even if you are shy or hesitant, smile at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself

These are little things that make me happy. Please reply the post with yours

I want to invite everyone to participate and share some positive vibes. Share things that make you happy.

These are some of mine but not all... the beautiful thing as that there are so many...
It's a meadow full of wild flowers in Spring

A blooming heart - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Floating on the river ponds during Summer

It's in the beautiful shifting colors of the leaves in Autumn

autumn (2).jpg

It's in the first snowfall of Winter (by the way we have had our first snow last weekend)
snow -640- by Priscilla Hernandez.jpg

It's those sudden moments of inspiration... And creating and playing my music instruments... all of them. And adding new instruments to my collection (Do you collect anything?). Music in general makes me happy!

My music instruments- Oracle Dragonfly Luna Guitar - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Getting lost within the pages of a good book


It's when a rainbow greets you after the rain

rainbow connection - by Priscilla Hernandez (

When you have a magical encounter or a moment of connection

Priscilla Hernandez Cold Winter (7).gif

Your favourite smell... freshly baked bread right out from the oven, lavender, coffee in a jar


The joy of growing a plant from a seed (in fact since the pandemic hit I have grown the collection of pots in my terrace and I dream of the day I have a little land and orchard)


It's in hugging a tree, also being aware it came from a small seedling too. There is always time to grow if you endure.


It sleeping soundly on a freshly made bed. (I sometimes suffer sleep disorders so for me a night of good sleep is a gift). And it's also in remembering your dream when it was starting to slip away from your memory.


It's holding a hot cup of tea, coffee or chocolate when it's really cold


It's holding hands with your first friend and no words needed


ps. We live a continent away, so those moments are rare and precious

But also in the stillness of very needed solitude. Remember to provide sometime for yourselves should you need it.

It's in the loving eyes of your beloved pets and animal companions. Even if it's the memory of it.


It's feeding birds, mice and critters and observe them finding the treats

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It's in the smell of the forest right after it stops raining


It's in finding something you thought you had lost. Sometimes we find money in the pockets of a coat we had just left there yay! but there are other things. I recently had lost a plush toy that I have had for years. Some of you have actually met me in real life with them as I use to carry them around. One was missing for an entire year and it just randomly popper out of nowhere. It made my day!


It is feeling a thrill whenever your favourite movie airs even if you have watched it a million times or your favourite song on a station

Priscilla Hernandez Dark Crystal - by Priscilla Hernandez (

ps. My favourite movie is "The Dark Crystal" by the way ;-)

Doodling and painting at my studio on a rainy day

painting watercolour - by Priscilla Hernandez ( - Priscilla Hernandez.jpg

It's in every sunset and every dawn... in every twilight and starry night

sun - by priscilla Hernandez ( - Priscilla Hernandez.jpg

That warm hope that lights inside me when I think someday I'll have my own place, somewhere quiet in Nature with a few critters around me. Maybe not this one because I'd like to be connected to the world to keep on sharing hahah :) and maybe a solid roof :). Thinking of a self sufficient mini-house off-grid.

Priscilla Hernandez snow angel - by Priscilla Hernandez (

But I don't need much... Because my heart is full of gratitude for all the things this Earth provides and those sparks of happiness I keep on weaving.

Did someone ever tell you you can't reach the moon?

But yes you can reach it

Catch the Moon - by Priscilla Hernandez (

You can seize it


And if you wish you can read between lines ;-)

Please reply this post with little things that make you happy

Even if it's to reach that itchy spot on your back hahah :)
Because they matter
Maybe it's dancing alone, drink your morning coffee, singing your favourite song aloud, receiving a text or a letter from a friend... A tidy room, a hearty meal... A long relaxing bathe.

Tell me and let me know in comments. Post below in comments. I will upvote all engagement that is meaningful and honest about this with proof of reading LOL! :)

tell me in the comments.gif

Onwards, Forward, Through...

My encouragement to anyone who could need it today.
Because happiness is also in that feeling of self worth right when you started to feel discouraged or doubt.

And I also wanted to say thank you: Happiness also nourishes from gratefulness

I'm still a bit overwhelmed about all the support in my last post. Of course I am over the moon (like Hive of late) about it, but besides the votes what made happy was to see all the engagement and comments on it. I love to share my music and art

saludo hive 1.gif

I didn't know when I posted some days ago about chestnuts that it would become at trend post, but precisely the day I took the pictures to write that post I recorded a little greeting for my fellow friends on hive. You can watch the video version on this tweet.

It's also in making others happy... and I hope I can help the world a little bit creating my music. For those who don't know me here's one of my songs

Support me following on my network. Sígueme en las redes

All pictures in this post are my own
Todas las fotos de este artículo son propias

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator. Cantante e ilustradora

So until next... Engage in the comments so I can get to know you, because there's not a better way another but through the things they love.
Brightest blessings everyone :) And remember... SMILE


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