My Top Five Pet Peeves

Image from Unsplash by Andre Hunter

Hello Hiveians!

I know this will be a little bit late, but let me just say I'm still on track with this blogging challenge. I think I have adjusted now so, I hope I can pull this through the end. It's Friday and this is my 6th entry of my 30-Day Blogging Challenge which was brilliantly initiated by @tegoshei. The reason why I know I'll be able to upload this later tonight is because my Friday night is full-packed. I won't give you the details, but my priorities are already set at the end of the work week.

Anyway, the topic for this day is about pet peeves. This should be easy. I don't know why @tegoshei limits herself to up to five only. Maybe because she's really patient and it's inherent in her to be understanding to people. I'm the complete opposite. I easily get annoyed and I'm not sorry for that. I have been working it out on myself and I've made progress, but there are certain behaviors that really grinds my gears.

As much as I would like to make it 100, here are five of my pet peeves:

1. Queue Skippers

Image from Unsplash by Halacious

Any civilized individual knows that an unwritten rule in any line or queue is "first come, first served". That's not negotiable unless it's an emergency or a matter of life death situation. If you barge in a line and claim that you're in hurry or whatever reason you have unless there's a legitimate emergency, you don't belong in a civilized society or any society at all. What makes you think your time is more precious than the ones before you? Fall your privileged ass in line or you're cancelled.

You don't need to study about Queuing Theory to understand that skipping a line is insensitive. It really grinds my gears and I would always angrily look them in the eye whenever I encountered one. That's not really tolerable to me.

My parents were once line skippers especially when they're in a hurry in the jeep terminal. One time I was with my mother in Ayala Terminal and she attempted to cut in line, but I told her I hate such kind of behavior. I told her what if you're in a hurry, there's only one seat left and it was supposed to be yours, but someone skipped the line to take that last seat, how would you feel? I insisted that we should always fall in line no matter how long that line is. From then on, my parents would always fall in line because they know I would get angry at them if they don't.

It's really simple. The line exists to enforce order. If you can't follow that, you're introducing chaos. You're enjoying your own convenience at the expense of others.

2. Waiting someone for more than 30 minutes

Image from Unsplash by Ben White

We have this Filipino time where we arrive 1~2 hours late from the agreed time. It's time to put an end to such embarrassing and very unprofessional behavior. Again, emergencies along the way are inevitable, but at least inform ahead that you'll be late for a few minutes. I'm always anxious if I'll be late. I usually show up 10 minutes before the agreed time, but I can opt to arrive 1 hour before if there are preparations needed before the agreed meeting.

I'm not saying that I haven't experienced being late, but I'm sure I always try my best to be punctual. I hate waiting because I could have spent that waiting time for a more productive pursuit. I always put myself in the shoes of the ones who kept on waiting.

There are people are chronically unapologetic about being late and they seemed to enjoy the idea of having someone wait for them. Does that make them feel special?

If you'll be meeting someone, please be on time or if you'll be late, please inform ahead so that the person you're meeting won't be worried. Also, please don't say you're already on your way when you just woke up. Arriving 2~3 hours late is not acceptable.

3. Victims of Dunning-Kruger Effect

Image from Unsplash by Zsolt Palatinus

It's not right to call them as victims because in today's set up, information is readily available in a few clicks. I really hate those people who are so full of themselves when they barely know anything. I don't exclude myself in this because I sometimes fall in this category. I also hate myself for this. I sometimes act as if I know everything when I should recognize there's a lot that I don't know.

I remember we had a meeting in my work because of an abnormality and there was this person from another department who lectured me about corrosion. I was amused and infuriated at the same time because there was not a single statement in his claims that's true based on what I have studied. We studied corrosion for one semester back in college and there was this guy who kept talking about the topic based on what he observed at the surface. I hated that person for being so confidently naive and I hated myself for dealing such kind of person.

I think it's better to say "I don't know" or "I'm not familiar with the topic" than to pretend you know something just to have something to say. It's embarrassing. That's why during our meetings, when I'm asked about something in my process, I'm not ashamed to say I don't know if I'm not really familiar about it.

4. People who insist in their opinion even if it's dead wrong

Image from Unsplash by Steve Johnson

To have an opinion is one thing, but to have an informed opinion is another. To take a stand to something is one thing, but to shove it to others as if it's the absolute is simply unacceptable.

I guess everyone encountered the cartoon about the 6 or 9 symbol that is viewed at different perspectives. The original argument was that if one is right, that doesn't mean the other is wrong. An annotation of the original cartoon states that one is right and the other is clearly wrong because there's a third party, the who drew or painted the symbol actually knows the real meaning of the symbol. The third and the most plausible for me was that both could be wrong. It's okay if there's an impartial arbiter who could tell what the symbol actually means, but in real life, there are cases when there's no impartial arbiter so there's no way of knowing what the symbol really means.

I hate those people who insist in their opinion as if it's the only right way of looking at things. We should always take into consideration the idea that we might be wrong. It's okay to admit that you're uniformed because that's the first step of becoming an informed individual. Acting as if you know better than the experts will only make you look like a fool.

5. Public smokers

Image from Unsplash by Andres Siimon

If you want to puff some smoke, I'm fine with that. It's your body and you can do whatever you want, but if you do it in front of people who don't smoke, we have a problem. It's enough that you want to ruin your lungs, just don't let others to ruin theirs against their choice.

I really hate tricycle and jeepney drivers who smoke while on the road. What I hated more is that they put a signage somewhere in their vehicle about no smoking in public spaces and they're the one who violated it first. Hypocrites. More often, these smokers are arrogant pricks who can't just wait and park somewhere before smoking.

I could list more, but I should end here. I'm already late in uploading this challenge so I should it publish now. How about you? Can you share your pet peeves?

I just did a little check on the background of pet peeves and it was said that pet peeves are minor annoyance that could irritate you more than the normal reaction of other people, but I realized there's nothing minor about my list. Anyway, it's already late and I need to post this so, you will be the judge. Maybe we should change the title to: The Things I Really Hate. 😂

Day 1: What's With the Username?
Day 2: Ten Interesting Facts About Me
Day 3: My Day in Detail: Working Under the New Normal Environment
Day 4: It Was an Avalanche
Day 5: What I Am Really Afraid Of

Kim Ybañez

Welcome to Kim's small corner in Hive. He is a chemical engineer by profession, but a blogger by passion. He is a wanderlust and an adventure seeker. Join his quests as he visits secluded destinations, climbs mountains, tries new and exotic dishes, and explores his country (The Philippines) and the rest of the world even if he's still a poor corporate slave with tons of bills to pay and two siblings to support in college.

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