Cornel West Calls Out Imperialism


Justice is what love looks like in public, says African-American activist, theologian & philosopher Dr Cornel West.

Below, are more of West’s bold, valuable thoughts, speaking Truth to power and connecting the current race protests throughout the USA with larger systems of oppression, globally:

Black people will never be free under a system of predatory capitalism – we will never be free under a system with imperial tentacles, [we] will never be free with the Pentagon elite running amok with militaristic policies and killing people in Latin America and the Caribbean, and so forth


What we have to do is recognise that the funeral of George Floyd, where tears are flowing... they have [similar] funerals in the West Bank because of US policy [and] US bombs mediated through [the] Israel Defense Forces," West told Middle East Eye

They have funerals like that in Yemen... they got funerals like that in Pakistan, in Afghanistan. They've got funerals like that in Mali

They've got funerals like that all around the world that the United States is very much playing a disproportionate role in facilitating, if not playing a direct role. So in the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr, we have to be morally consistent in our critique of US racism, militarism, poverty, as well as materialism," West said.


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