Meditation on the Noble Quran & Hope


In reading the Muslim holy book, the Quran, I noticed that one of the most often used words and beloved qualities in a believer is that they remain “steadfast”.

So, in meditating upon Hope, it’s fascinating to learn that a synonym of steadfast in Greek translates to "long-suffering."

Here’s an echo from a Sufi master I hold in high regard,Ibn Ata’Allah:

“Hope goes hand in hand with deeds; otherwise, it is just wishful thinking.”

Steadfast is he who is full of faith. And he who is full of faith hopes. And the one who hopes is able to love. That is why they go together.

The master of darkness is a student of light.

Sigh World of paradoxes!

Here’s a poem of mine on this inexhaustible subject :


Hope’s not quite as it seems;
it’s slimmer than you’d think
and less steady on its feet

Sometimes, it’s out of breath
can hardly see ahead
and cries itself to sleep

It may not tell you all this
or the times it cheated death
but, if you knew it, you’d know
how Hope can keep a secret.


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