A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush :)


I brought this little fellow to my desk & I guess he put his foot down-- enough, already, with playing second fiddle to my keyboard.

Speaking of pigeons as muse, I was tickled to discover the case of inventor Tesla's fondness for his feathered friend:

"I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me."

Strange to say, that having a bird as a pet is not unlike a cat, or more like a (very good) dog, actually; that's why I got him a doggy bowl 🙂

Here's my boy napping on one foot, establishing his new territory:


Luckily, piddgies are gentle creatures. I remember growing up with an African grey parrot, Kookoo and how powerful his beak was!

If that was Kookoo on the keyboard, it would be in shreds by now...


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