Two much? πŸ˜€ Twins in Gaming and nature...

β€œThat awkward moment when you see twins fighting and one of them calls the other ugly.” - Unknown

LOL. Well, twins do not really call each other ugly I guess but the thought is funny.

You may be wondering why the wildlife photographer in me is rambling on about twins. It was because I saw these Black bucks posing, looking like they were identical twins - even looked like one body and two heads from one angle (which I did not photograph because my mind is trained to avoid overlaps while photographing wildlife. Sigh!)

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Collage created by me with my own pics and image from Source

The blackbucks were actually jumping around and running in spurts together before they posed for this picture. They reminded me so much of the twin plumbers of the Super Mario Brothers game that I used to play when I was a kid.

Got me thinking about all the twins in video games..

Of course, I am a dinosaur when it comes to gaming. The video games I played in my were intense but nothing compared to what I see now. Some of the new friends I have made on Hive are avid gamers and keep posting live streams that are soooooo good.

Anyway - here are a few twins I remember from the games I played in my days ...

Twins in video games

Who can forget the Mario brothers. At least 3 generations must have played the game to make Mario and Luigi hop through obstacles to rescue the Princess. Not many of us are aware though that they are twins. Apparently, in the story line, it does come out that they are twins

The Mario brothers Source

Another pair of twins that comes to mind from the gaming world is from the game Double Dragon. Jimmy and Billy or popularly know as the 'Dragon twins' had developed their own unique fighting style that only they could understand.

The dragon twins Source

I also remember vividly the witch twins Koume and Kotake from Legend of Zelda. Kotake was the icy one who used to throw icy blasts to freeze targets and Koume used to blast enemies with heat blasts!


Whew - I must have really been enamored of those games and twins (either good or evil) all those years ago. I vividly remember those, even after couple of decades or more.πŸ˜€πŸ˜…

I am not sure how many Hive members even remember those games. I am sure that there are twins in the latest games too. The attraction of the good-evil twin combination or the double effect of twins working in tandem is just irresistible in games.

I would love to know more about twins in games I request all gamers to comment and mention your favorites. I do not play any games any more because of time constraints but my heartbeat gets elevated and blood surges in my vanes when I watch some of the exciting game play posted by Hive gaming community. I do not know many gamers yet. In fact I have only watched a couple but they make me nostalgic.

Anyway - all this from those antics of those two black bucks who looked like twins.... πŸ˜€

Here is a picture I took in it's original form for you to enjoy and think about twins...


Have a great day and have - either in gaming or in watching nature like me!

I am posting his in the Gems community because I am totally confused if this is a nature post or gaming or something else. If it is the wrong place to post, I request experienced members to kindly comment and guide me. Thanks in advance

Note: All images and collages in this post are created by me, based on photos clicked by me personally and/or free vector images from Pixabay. Other sources if any are mentioned below each image.
Quotes used, if not credited, are either from unknown authors or are proverbial old sayings.

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