Iniciativa 4 tipos de personas que no deseas en tu vida/Initiative 4 types of people you don't want in your life

Hola familia de esta maravillosa comunidad feliz y bendecido dia tengan todos. El dia de hoy quise unirme a la iniciativa de la amiga @veronicamartinc el cual me parecio muy interesante.

Hello family of this wonderful community, happy and blessed day have everyone. Today I wanted to join the initiative of my friend @veronicamartinc which I found very interesting.


1- Personas envidiosas

Este tipo de personas sin duda alguna las quiero bien lejos de mi vida, son personas que no hacen mas que criticar y verle el lado negarivo a otros, en definitiva esas personas con su mala vibra las quiero bien lejos.

1- Envious people

These types of people without a doubt I love them well away from my life, they are people who do nothing but criticize and see the negative side of others, in short, those people with their bad vibes I love them very far away.


2- Personas que se hacen la victima

La verdad este tipo de personas me desagradan muchisimo, me caen demasiado mal, pienso que es un problema de madurez.

2- People who become the victim

The truth is that I dislike these types of people very much, I like them too badly.


3- Personas Negativas

A esas personas las quiero a kilometros infinitos lejos de mi, odio esas personas que son tan negativas en la vida, no me parece justo que sean asi cuando una vez que nos caigamos tenemos que levantarnos y seguir adelante porque asi como hay dias malos tambien llegan los buenos.

3- Negative People

I love those people infinite kilometers away from me, I hate those people who are so negative in life, it does not seem fair that they are like this when once we fall we have to get up and move on because just as there are bad days, they also come the good ones.


4- Personas arrogantes

Odio a las personas que se creen mas que los demas, esto es algo que no me parece justo porque todos somos hijos de Dios y delante de los ojos de el todos somos iguales, no veo el porque mirarse por encima del hombro del otro.

4- Arrogant people

I hate people who believe themselves more than others, this is something that does not seem fair to me because we are all children of God and in his eyes we are all the same, I do not see why to look over the shoulder of the other.


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