A festival of colors.


This is my entry for #BeautifulSunday organized by @ace108 and for #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a

As our rainy season has been delayed for almost two months, we are currently enjoying a festival of colors that adorn our lonely streets in times of Coronavirus.

Its flowers vary in shades between white, pink and purple, delighting our eyes. They are the flowers of the Apamate, first cousin of the Araguaney, which like this time of year gives us its beautiful yellow color.

In the rainy season we can enjoy the beauty of its flowers that cover all its branches, thus losing all its leaves, in most of the year they go unnoticed.


Its life is quite long and it is fast growing.

Tabebuia rosea, its scientific name, is a tree native to the tropophilic forests of the American intertropical zone. It is found in Mexico, Central America and in tropical South America: Venezuela, Colombia and coastal regions of Ecuador.


Its growth is rapid reaching from 15 to 39 meters, spreading through its seeds that spread with the wind.

It is characterized by having a thick trunk with thick branches, narrow and elongated.

At sunset I feel melancholy not being able to go out and appreciate so much beauty that nature offers us.


I am @truelovemon, Mileidy. Lover of nature and everything that inhabits it. Passionate about photography, not only a click is enoughj, it is to see beyond your eyes, it is to fill you with the hidden beauty in the simple.

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