Nobody can Take this Away...


I once believed that identity is too much of a respect that nobody can take this away
I once believed that occupations are too important to the point that it is always the right answer
I once believed that labels are too strict and that nothing can change forever
I once believed that control was the most distinctive power that any person could ever have…

But your identity can never give you the courage that anyone can easily provide you
But your occupation can never always give you the chance that life can give you
But life’s labels can never give you peace that inner trust can always provide you
But power can not always give you the peace of mind that respect can give…

There will always be an ending to one’s identity no matter how you treat it well
There will always be an alternative to your occupation when reality comes
There will always be a reason for labels that change can show you
There will always be a mistake in power in ways you can earn respect regardless of leverage and grip…

Identity can never be the only answer to your whole self regardless of what gender or label you want to be called
Occupation can never be the only answer to your questions and desires that life is throwing at you
Labels can never be the only answer to tickets, marks or ownership trust can make you feel safe
Power can never be the only answer to supremacy that respect and courtesy have to achieve the goal…

That life is throwing at you
Mind the respect can give
The change can show you
Make you feel safe


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

tikatarot sign.png

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