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So, guys, who wants to know how my bussiness with 3D-printer is going on?

We started it about 10 months ago, and I must say it's developing, but rather slowly.

We faces the problem that people just don't know what it is and for what, so our way started with the stone wall of misunderstanding from people in Kerch.
From that time we tried different way to promote - ads in the social nets, paper ads that were given in the streets and markets, just speech informing of anybody we know about our new service, and we even made brading of our car;)

The most effective ad was in the social net where we have a community, and people come there, see the examples and understand how 3D-printing can solve their problems.

The next step is ads in the central street (30$)
There is a variant to try ads in the elevators and on the buses, but it cost very rather much here - 100-300$ per month.
I agree to pay if I am sure it will work. But here people don't get what it is, so ad can fail...
For now we have more people who come to us, oral ads from person to person works fine I guess, so I hope it will develop more and more.

Btw we have an improvement - now we can print with nylon too, not just ordinary plastic! It lets us to make details for cars and mechanisms with great tension and temperature inside.

Now look what we have made recently:

the bike light holder

car details made of nylon

a phone holder

a dog badge with the master's phone

a cupboard repairing

a water[pool filter

a lithography - a photo made of plastic

different decorations with names or wishes
Here NIKA is written
and our paper ads in the background

what do you think of it?
do you have such bussiness in your city?