Planning And Transformative Journey

Why do we plan, really?
Is it to create a directive course of action to reach a specific objective or is it just a way to have something to do or work on instead of going with the flow?

Perhaps, it's a bit of both. For me, a reason why we plan is to bring an element of certainty amidst the background of life's uncertainty. Going with the flow of life is inevitable. However, we can be active about it(instead of being passive) when we have a plan.

Planning is like constructing a map. This map can help us navigate through the actual terrain, even though it may not be a direct representation of the terrain. That's why we adjust the plan to fine tune it with reality.

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From Dreams to Reality

On a serious note, planning is a key component of turning our imagination(s) into reality.

A dream without a plan is just a wish. A dream with a plan becomes a goal. With a goal and a plan, the process of turning our imaginations into reality is engaged.

And during this process we learn more about anticipating challenges, spotting opportunities and making better decisions.

I think having a plan and working on anything is always much better than having no plan or not working on anything.

The problem with not planning is failure comes as a total surprise.

But even beyond the surprised failure, anything we actively work on also works on us. Maybe, it is a universal principle, maybe not.

We often underestimate the transformative power of actively working on something, regardless of the specific goal. Somehow, we can transverse a whole journey towards a particular destination without becoming different.

However, in many cases, when we engage in these pursuits, something inside of us changes. Obviously, we gain new knowledge and refine existing skills, since we encounter roadblocks that test our perseverance, resilience, and problem-solving abilities.

The Transformative Journey Of Life

More importantly, this whole process of overcoming challenges and adapting to unexpected situations strengthens our mental fortitude and shapes our character in ways we couldn't imagine before.

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Even if the end result isn't what we initially envisioned, the transformative journey itself becomes a more valuable reward than achieving the specific goal itself.

Of course, this doesn't imply that without planning, this transformative journey doesn't happen. However the difference between planning and not planning is that in the latter, one takes on the role of passenger as opposed to a driver, which is usually the case with the former.

Irrespective of a plan or without a plan, life itself is a transformative journey and we can only imagine where the journey will lead us.

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