Sweet PotatoChaat Recipe!

Sweet Potato is a form of potato which is sweet in taste. It is not available through out the year, mostly can be found in winters. It is extremely delicious and nutritive and can be eaten in different forms. We mostly love to have it as a chaat.

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Cooking Time

15 minutes

Kitchen Standing Time

15 minutes


2 people


• 5 Medium Sized Sweet Potatoes
• 4-5 TBSP Saunth (Gur and Tamarind Chutney)
• 4-5 TBSP Mint Chutney
• ½ TBSP Red Chilli Powder
• ½ TBSP Chaat Masala
• Salt as per taste

Step 1: Boil the sweet potatoes. Once they cool down, switch on the gas on low flame and let them cook directly on the gas. This will give them charcoal like taste.

Step 2: Now peel them and cut into small pieces.

Step 3: Take the sweet potato pieces in a bowl. Add the mint and tamarind chutney, all spices and give it a good mix.

Step 4: Serve with a refreshing drink!

Try this recipe at home and enjoy the lockdown!
Happy Cooking!
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