Cooking with Rice - Chicken Biryani

When it comes to some instant, non-veg dishes then my sister is very good at making Chicken Biryani. Her kids were very fond of it, the moment it cooked the entire room gets filled with a aroma. And why not so, she make is quick and nice and above all with utmost love.


Last time when I saw her cooking, I could not belive, such delicies could be made in no time. It was our normal chit-chat and in between she goes to kitchen now and then, and suddenly she offer us to have our meal.


Looking at her speciality, I especially ask for an appointment to learn the cooking. So she took me to the kitchen with 1 kg of chicken.

She marinated it with Garlic - Ginger paste alongwith a little bit of curd. She kept it to marinate for 15-20.


As the chicken was getting marinated, she soaked some quantity of Rice in a different bowl. It was done to get the rice cooked Swiftly the wet rice gets easily cooked as compared to raw.


Later, she started prepairing to cook marinated chicken seperately. For that she has all the ingredients as we had for Chicken curry. Firstly fry the Onion.


Well, better not to go in repeating my previously shared chicken recipe. Click here to learn the tasty chicken curry dishes made earlier.


As the chicken is cooked and a thick gravy is ready. We now mix the soaked rice into. The soaked rice is not yet cooked. Mixing it raw helps the rice to get with chicken better.


Once the Rice ans Checken properly mixed , we place the bowl to Microwave for 15 min. This allow the rice to cook along with the Chicken Gravy. And also Chicken get properly steamed and roasted.

As soon we take out the bowl, it will start giving a aromatic smell and the room get filled with some mouth watering taste.


It is matter of fact, that it is ready to eat and can serve with Salad or Chutney. It does not require any gravy or curry to mix. Our Chicken Biryani is ready to be savoured.


Seriously, "Cooking is an Art" and my sister knows how to make the cooking art more beautiful.
This tasty and mouthwatering dish is my entry to Hive Top Chef Competition by @qurator. This week ingredient for competition was Rice and made us of it with some Chicken delicies.

Stay Home....Stay Safe !!

Namaste by @steemflow


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