What If We Work Without Deadline ? EFFECTIVE ??

Target and goals are one of those things that everyone wants to achieve in their life and that is what their achievement is but you will also see a lot of people setting deadlines for achieving whatever target for girls they have said but it might be having some positive aspects like every single thing in this work at the same time it also comes up with some negative things as well which if you understand you will never be setting any deadline for anything in your life


Deadlines are nothing but a fixed time interval where you want your work to be done and that always creates a mindset in your mentality which is that you have to be doing that particular thing before that X run out and there is going to be affecting the way you work as well as the amount of effort and the quality of efforts you can give and you could given if you have never set a deadline for a fixed time interval before which you have to be completing your task.

For example if I say that you have set a target that you have to travel A Thousand kilometres and you have also set a deadline that you will reach that thousand kilometres in just 10 hours and for that what you have to do is just have to maintain a speed of hundred kilometres per hour.


This is pretty much the same when we set a target plan for IT and also set a deadline for that same task. This is one of the most common approaches to any target or achievements that most of the people try to achieve in their life by just setting a goal and planning for it and also giving a deadline before which they want to make it happen in reality.

But the real problem is that you are not completely aware what you will be encountering in that 1000 kilometre journey. You might face version of the road where you cannot exceed the speed above 40 kilometres per hour because of the road is not that much strengthened to handle that kind of speed or even there may be traffic but according to your plan you can't go below hundred kilometres an hour and if you try to make that happen at that point of time then you will for sure face an accident.

But the mindset of hours will definitely tell you to at least try to make it a hundred just because for the sake of the deadline that you have said and that is when the problem begins while you have set a deadline your brain will only command you the things that you have to be doing in order to meet up to the time limit that you have set regardless of all of the things that might go wrong if you try to do that.

This is one of the simple reasons why you should avoid setting deadlines for your task will they are also having their own sets of benefits and positive sides but at the same time they also come up with a negative aspects will most of the times it depends upon the work you are doing and the am you have decided to achieve in some cases it required to have a deadline where as in some cases that is it could be more fruitful and productive if you do not set any deadline for them.

Without deadlines you are not found within anything you are able to do whatever you want to and without thinking that you have to be doing all of that in just a specific timezone, which will allow you to spread your efforts and give them in a more concentrated way which is going to be definitely useful and beneficial as you are giving them in every calculator move if you are having a lot of time which is definitely going to be the resulting in a better results than what you could have had achieved.

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