
science and technology are plays a great role in our national development in this and technology is one of the areas where our modern world differs from the ancient peoples. science and technology which dives into each other are highly essential tools for rapid development in our present society. This really explains why countries which have high calibre science development materially than those who that lack or have an insignificant or ineffective personnel in science and technology.
Science is the systematic study of nature and it's law under physics, Chemistry, biology and other semi science subjects.

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Science is the systematic study of nature and it's law under physics, Chemistry, biology and other semi science subjects.
Technology is the practical application of science of scientific knowledge or inventions to the solving of everyday problems in the society which also helps in facilitating tedious human activities.
Products of science and technology are everywhere being used in our modern world in many things like in electricity, automobiles, aircrafts, computers, telephone, radio, television, plants and machinery for production and modern scientific medical processes for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, infections or illnessses. Many countries are highly developed and industrialized because they have highly benefited from science and technology whereas some are not developed because science and technology are not rightly accorded in the rightful place and prioritized in the scheme of things. Science courses are underfunded, not utilized or under utilized and unappreciated.

Development is highly needed in all sundry, all nook and cranny really needs to be highly developed, All countries should try to value development they must give science ample attention. It is indeed a great key to development 🙏.

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