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[ESP-ENG] SATURNO - SATURN - PABLO ALBORAN | Cover By @solanaya94馃尯

Existen canciones en la que te reflejas claramente y quisieras expresar al mundo entero, como un mensaje muy importante.

There are songs in which you clearly reflect yourself and you would like to express to the whole world, as a very important message.


Eso me sucedi贸 cuando seleccion茅 esta canci贸n escrita por Pablo Albor谩n titulada 馃獝Saturno馃獝, para interpretarla en esta comunidad #gems.

Esta canci贸n fue estrenada en el a帽o 2017, el cantautor es realmente un poeta y se puede percibir en su interpretaci贸n como siente y sufre cada palabra de esta balada. Significado de la canci贸n

Debo confesar que me conmovi贸 much铆simo los sentimientos y la vida en general. Porque describe lo inconcluso en una relaci贸n de pareja, lo desconocido como los planetas en la galaxia, un amor roto que no pudo nacer, y el no pedir perd贸n por los errores, al final somos seres humanos y nos equivocamos.

Tengan todos los miembros de #hive una cordial bienvenida, a continuaci贸n les interpretare una canci贸n al estilo del Cantautor espa帽ol Pablo Albor谩n, espero y disfruten mi cover. Gracias...

That happens to me when I selected this song written by Pablo Albor谩n titled Saturno, to perform in this #gems community.

This song was released in 2017, the singer-songwriter is really a poet and you can perceive in his interpretation how he feels and suffers every word of this ballad. Meaning of the song

I must confess that I was very moved by the feelings and life in general. Because it describes the even in a couple relationship, the unknown as the planets in the galaxy, a broken love that could not be born, and not asking for forgiveness for mistakes, in the end we are human beings and we make mistakes.

Have all the members of #hive a warm welcome, then I will interpret a song in the style of Spanish singer-songwriter Pablo Alboran, I hope you enjoy my cover. Thank you...

Mi Cover...



Vuelves en cada sue帽o que tengo,
caigo de nuevo en tu red.
S茅 que tarda un tiempo,
curarme de ti de una vez.
Tuve tantos momentos felices,
que olvido lo triste que fue
darte de mi alma lo que t煤 echaste a perder.

Yo no quer铆a amarte,
t煤 me ense帽aste a odiarte.
Todos los besos que me imagin茅
vulven al lugar donde los vi crecer.

En Saturno viven los hijos que nunca tuvimos,
en Plut贸n a煤n se oyen gritos de amor.
Y en la Luna gritan a solas tu voz
y mi voz pidiendo perd贸n,
cosa que nunca pudimos hacer peor.

T铆enes la misma culpa que tengo,
anque te cueste admitir
que sientes como siento,
la almohada no suele mentir.

Yo no quer铆a amarte,
t煤 me ense帽aste a odiarte.
Todos los besos que me imagi帽e
vulven al lugar donde los vi crecer.

En Saturno viven los hijos que nunca tuvimos,
en Plut贸n a煤n se oyen gritos de amor.
Y en la Luna gritan a solas tu voz
y mi voz pidiendo perd贸n,
cosa que nunca pudimos hacer peor.

Gritan a solas tu voz
y mi voz pidiendo perd贸n,
cosa que nunca pudimos hacer...

Cosa que nunca pudimos hacer peor.



You come back in every dream I have,
I fall back into your trap. (network)
I know it takes awhile,
To heal myself from you again.
I had so many happy moments,
That I forgot how sad it was
To give you my soul that you destroyed.

I don't want to love you,
You taught me to hate you.
All the kisses that I imagined
Return to the place where I saw them grow.

On Saturn live the children we never had,
Pluto still hears the screams of love.
And on the moon your voice screams alone
And my voice begging for forgiveness,
Something we could never do worse.

You have the same guilt as me,
Although it's hard for you to admit
That you feel like how I feel,
The pillow usually doesn't lie.

I don't want to love you,
You taught me to hate you.
All the kisses that I imagined
Return to the place where I saw them grow.

On Saturn live the children we never had,
Pluto still hears the screams of love.
And on the moon your voice screams alone
And my voice begging for forgiveness,
Something we could never do worse.

Your voice screams alone
And my voice begging for forgiveness,
Something we could never do...

Something we could never do worse.

Letra en espa帽ol / Spanish Lyrics

Video oficial de Pablo Alboran / Pablo Alboran's official video

Agradecida por su visita muy pronto estaremos nuevamente conectados. Bendiciones.

Thank you for your visit, very soon we will be connected again. Blessings.


Traducci贸n del texto:

Foto y video: Aplicaci贸n inshot a trav茅s de mi celular Samsung Galaxy A01.

Fuente del navegador: google y youtube

Creacion de gift:

Translation of the text:

Photo and video: Inshot application through my Samsung Galaxy A01 cell phone.

Browser source: google and youtube

Gift creation:


Bienvenido a帽o 2022.gif