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📷 My Marketfriday at the masters ' fair

I wish you all a good day! Today is Friday and I decided to walk around the Kuban fair. There is always a lot of interesting crafts and Souvenirs. This time it will be dolls in folk traditions...

Dolls of each nation tell about its traditions and history, it is believed that information is encoded in them, and the key to this "code" is universal values: procreation, health, love, life.

Probably today there are few children who would not play with dolls. They have always been welcome toys for kids.

The ancient art of creating motanok dolls has not been forgotten in Kuban even today. They used to be made in almost every family. There were dolls for good luck, the birth of a child, wealth, marriage...

Each doll had its own name. In the old days, it was believed that dolls distracted evil forces and protected their owners. In some villages they made beregin dolls.

In Ancient Russia, the doll-amulet was used when they wanted to get rid of some misfortune. They took the doll in their hands, turned it counterclockwise three times, and said: "Turn away with evil, turn away with good."

Dolls, great variety, and zelandica, Krupenina, women, guards, lovebird pelenise, reapers and even ladaki.


My grandmother told me that such dolls were passed down from mother to daughter. There was a belief that ritual dolls helped save the house from evil spirits.

It was believed that in the ritual dolls must have been present red. It had a certain protective effect: it protected from the evil eye and injuries. Therefore, the dress was made entirely of Kumach or let a red ribbon on the hem, belt, collar and sleeves.

Some objects were placed in the dolls ' hands. It could have been a broom like this: -)

Have you ever tried making such dolls?

  • Have a wonderful Friday everyone and if you have some interesting market-related photos, go ahead and submit them in the #MarketFriday tag and link to your article in the Express post by @dswigle.

But of course as always there will be flowers :-)

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I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes!