Beautiful Sunday || Sublime Sunday

Hope everybody on this site also had a great day.Today is Sunday and I will try to share my moments with you. I hope you like it.

Nature's change is such an eternal truth that sometimes there are many things in nature that would remain unseen if I didn't see them.
However, after waking up this morning, I saw a wonderful play of this nature. It was raining on one side and the sun was rising on the other side. The sky was overcast again.Such incidents are not commonly seen in nature but these things happen very much in the rainy season.20200513_16240501.jpeg
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Sometimes I go out for a walk very early in the morning because of the roadside house.The weather in the morning is very sweet and there is a lot of wind so sometimes I try to go out in the morning for a walk.
I think those health conscious people can walk in the morning because morning weather is very beneficial for the body.Since the workload is less now so I try to get up a little early in the morning and try to walk in the middle of the morning weather it lightens my mind.
This morning is definitely a little different from other mornings because this morning I got to see the two forms of nature together on one side and the sky on the other side was cloudy and it rained in between.I really enjoyed the weather and I wish you all a happy Sunday and a good day.

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