Valuing Every Moment

Sometimes, a good moment is neither valued nor appreciated until it turns to memories. No doubt, you should hope for better moments but it should not take away the fact that you should appreciate the present moment in order to see the desired moment. If you cannot value where you are now, it will be practically impossible to value where you are going.

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Each moment of your life matters very well and you should not fail to value it. This also covers the friendships your make, the families you have, the companies you keep, your acquaintances. As a matter of fact, no moment is ever wasted; it is either they serve as a positive addition to your life or they serve as a lesson which is also a positive addition in disguise.

In the bid to have a better thing, do not devalue the good thing you have presently. You will be surprised to know that somethings that you devalue are the prayer point of others. Yes, your current position and what you have at the moment (that you may not value) is someone else's desire. If you have friends and you do not value them, may I remind you that there are some lonely people that will give an eye just to make friends.

For you to be able to make the most out of life and out of your future, you have to start by valuing the present. No wonder it has been said (though humorously) that for you to carry a big rock tomorrow, you have to start today to carry small pebbles. The truth is; it is the sum total of today's moments that will shape the future.

Think positively. When you do, you will then find it easy to value the future. It may not present in an exactly desirable form and it may not be the way you want it, but if you can think positively, then you can see positivity in it. One thing you need to remember is that the value you place on a particular moment will determine how well you utilize that moment.

Many people have wasted precious moments, not because the moments did not come but because they were not prepared for the moment and they did not value it as it is required. Obviously, what you value is what you will care about and that thing will appreciate over time. However, when you start to place less value on a thing, it tends to depreciate.

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To appreciate in life, you need to appreciate life itself. If you value life and life's moments, then you will draw value out of life.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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