My introduction,a new phase of life on hive

Hello,Greetings to you all, my name is: José Javier Henríquez, I am 28 years old, I live in Carabobo- Venezuela..

I am from a small and beautiful town called Montalbán, all my life and lived here where I fulfilled my dream of playing soccer and being champion for several years, it was very important, there were teams from all over the state of Carabobo and it was very exciting, here are my friends and I don't want to leave here.

I have a cute little family, we are confirmed by 4, I have two children, a 6-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl, they are my adoration and I love them and everything I do is for them and my mother who I love her very much. I am a bachelor, and I graduated as a Middle Technician in business administration but currently I like to work as a blacksmith and carpentry making miniature ornaments.

My commitment to this platform is to create amazing contents as much as possible, and the content that I will be uploading or sharing with you will be about my work and my daily life...

Well my experience with the cryptocurrencies will also help me on this platform too.., I would like to explore. I really like tourism, since it knows extraordinary places and I like adventures. The country would like to know New Zealand, its landscapes are very beautiful.....

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