Art update

I've been on MakersPlace for quite some time. Haven't posted a lot of my artwork. Frankly, it is quite a challenge to decide what style to put on there. I'm currently uploading one of the first series that I made in 2015.

Usually when I create, I just go with the flow. It makes me end up with some different 'styles'. My gallery is a mess. I've been trying to manipulate my photographs and turn them into works where you can't recognize the base photographs anymore. It isn't hard to make them unrecognizable though :p, however.

As some of you know, I must create everything myself. I always thought it should be without saying, but I noticed that some NFT artists download and use their photographs (photo manipulation), use presets, or one-click 3D models. Personally, I think it's a shame, even if the work looks amazing/top-notch. What's your take on that? Luckily for me, I don't have to download images from Google since my database is big enough to create a lot of different stuff.

After 6-8 hours of playing around, I finally finished an artwork that instantly moved to my top favorite works. You can see it down below. I got inspired by Path Of Exile's Celestial skins/cosmetics (Discharge skill mostly). It's that dreamy, vibrant look and feel. I'm planning to do a series of four. Not sure yet if I do 4 different color varieties or four different faces.

© 2021 | Ruben Cress

Before I finished this one, I've been trying to push myself for the last couple of days, weeks, and months to improve my works. I think I went into a rabbit hole where I was trying to explore more of the neon-, and vibrant colors. I used different techniques, but most of the artworks contained circle-shapes, I like circles!

So, right before the above artwork, I created a few chromatic gradient splashes that were floating around in space.

Before that, I played around with some offset round shapes and photo manipulation, coming along with some proper color grading :).

Before I made that one, I was mostly playing around with shapes and gradients. I created a gradient, that I later used as a brush.

Anddd... before that. Yeah, you'll get the idea. I'm moving backward. Anyway, I had the idea to manipulate my photographs so hard, I wouldn't even recognize them myself anymore. Check this before and after shot. Yup... It's -only- one photo and some Photoshop techniques.



After After

It's kinda interesting to see what you can do with Photoshop. You literally can do almost anything you want. The last (first image) artwork that I made is something I'm looking forward to creating more. Maybe more interesting is "how" I got to that point. Just go with the flow!

Do you have a favorite? Let me know in the comments.


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