Like Death, Pain is Inevitable!

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When someone dies, there are two things that are bound to happen. It is either we feel this sadness within us, with the thought that such person was still young to have gone so soon. Or we have this satisfaction within us with the feeling that such a person was well aged and have probably lived their purpose here on Earth.

However, in whichever the case is, whatever the choices or reaction we pulled out, we are still all going to arrive at the same direction. And that is, DEATH IS INEVITABLE!

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This concept alone as written above is one of the best, if not the very best consolation we give to ourselves whenever we lose a loved one, which could be friend or family. We often come back to this conclusion, thereby accepting the fact that the universe is made that way. The question is, have you come to accept the word "PAIN" OR "HURT" that way?

When we search for a friend, within us, we search for those who will be like our equals and bear us no pain or hurt us in anyway. To most people who believed they have found such a friend, they call them best friends or besties. Yeah, it cool. But one thing is certain. Pain too is inevitable.

And when we feel pain, we often come to the point of questioning our existence or our choices that we'd made. To most of us, it will be more like we had gone completely wrong in a particular event of the past and there is no way to fix things. But we need to understand the concept that tommorow is not certain and because of that, what we do and where we find ourselves is not entirely up to us.

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And when we feel pains, hurt, betrayed, or whatever, with the unbearable agony that comes along with it, we should just learn to accept it as part of life (and move on). Learn to say to ourselves that pain is inevitable. Sometimes, holding on to the pain that you feel would lead you to the greater mistake that you can't escape. It doesn't matter the form; it could be heartbreak, things going wrong in what you have planned for life, or any other circumstances that can bring you great concern.

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