Fabric Painting Over A Bleach Stain

My first attempt at fabric painting and the process was easy. I applied translucent paint over the area first and let it dry. I then painted my outline design. I outlined the design with Posca pens. After allowing the outlining and other paint to dry, I painted over the finished design and let it dry for 72 hours. I had so much fun. I am going to cover my hoodie in designs.

My husband is from the Netherlands, and he told me these little creatures are called Wuppies.


I looked the creature up:
"Wuppies are small mammals in the family weepuls of the order reklameproductia, found only in Dutchlandia. There are four different genera in the family classified as wuppies, including the Orange wuppie (Oranje wuppie), The red wuppie (Rode wuppie), The blue wuppie (blauwe wuppie), and the rare white wuppie. (Witte wuppie)

They are carnivorous and can handle firearms, be cautious approaching them."

What is a Wuppie?

I'm using Scribbles 3d fabric paint, which can be used on almost any surface.


I spilled bleach on my sweatshirt. I decided to try out fabric paint and doodle art for the first time. I had so much fun! I still have a couple of bleach spots to cover.


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