Sometimes the Past Comes Back to Haunt Us!

In the course of my adult life, I have learned to never become too complacent about the ways in which the long arm of the past can reach out to whack me across my head!


It actually happened a few days ago when a "voice" from the past reached out to the long defunct Red Dragonfly Gallery email, with a request to pay a long forgotten and written off debt.

Sometimes it feels like we can just never get away from the mistakes of our past.

All In all, I suppose we should be grateful, considering that a couple of hundred years ago anybody who closed a business while still owing money would end up in debtors prison!

I suppose it all serves as a reminder of one of life's sad facts: when things go badly they often continue to go badly for a really long time.


Of course, part of the picture here is the fact that we have always felt it was important to "do the right thing," even when it was quite unpleasant. I suppose someone less scrupulous might just have ignored the contact.

Thankfully, the person who contacted us was very nice about it, but fact remains that we're now going to be paying on yet another debt for probably another two or three years before we can get it retired. And poverty is already our "friend."

I suppose it would be unfair to relegate the Red Dragonfly Gallery to the status of "mistakes we've made," but it would sure be nice if we could at least get to a point where we just get to permanently leave it in the past.


I realize this isn't much of a Blog post, but somehow I felt compelled to put it here just as a note in the history of what we were once doing. The history, I might add, that still doesn't appear to be over!

Might even resume blogging about art, in hopes of raising a few $$$ towards paying the debt. It's not much, but these days every penny counts!

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave a comment, if you feel so inclined!

All images are our own, unless otherwise attributed

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