Six Simple Ways To Reduce Plastic Use In Everyday Life

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Each year, 8.8 million metric tons of plastic are discarded into the ocean, which is equivalent to 250 billion water bottles. The amount of plastic that ends up in the ocean is only expected to increase as more and more people use plastics for everyday needs such as shopping bags, straws, single-use food containers and utensils. But there are simple ways you can reduce your plastic usage without sacrificing your convenience or comfort!

Here are some tips on how you can reduce your consumption of plastics:

1. Bring your own reusable shopping bag

Did you know that the average American uses about 300 plastic bags per year? And that means, of course, that they use 300 million bags every day. That's a lot of waste! But it doesn't have to be. Bring your own reusable shopping bag to reduce plastic use and help the environment! Using a reusable bag can also help you to save money.

2. Carry a metal straw instead of buying plastic ones

Studies have shown that it takes about 200 years for plastic straws to decompose. If we continue using plastic straws at this rate, by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. Plastic has been found wrapped around the necks of turtles and lodged inside sea birds’ stomachs. Using a metal straw is convenient and helps to save our environment

3. Use a refillable water bottle

We all know that drinking water is important for our health, and we also know that buying disposable bottles of water every day can be expensive. By using a refillable water bottle, you'll save money, reduce waste, and stay hydrated.

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4. Avoid using single-use plastics

Single-use plastics such as cups, plates, utensils, or food containers are everywhere. We use them for everything from packing our lunch to carrying groceries, and they seem like a convenient way to save time and money. But the truth is that single-use plastics are costing us in ways we never considered; not just financially but environmentally as well.

5. Go Paperless

It's time to go paperless. Why? It saves trees, promotes sustainability, and you can use it at any time of the day without worrying about running out of ink. The savings are immense for both you and the environment when you switch from paper bills to electronic billing. You save money on printing costs because there are no more envelopes or stamps needed. And what about cutting down on clutter in your office space? Imagine all that wasted space taken up by stacks of papers! Not only does switching to an electronic system help with these things but also helps with company productivity because employees will be able to focus their energy elsewhere rather than sorting through piles of paperwork."

6. Avoid buying products that are excessively wrapped in plastic

A common complaint of the environmentally-conscious consumer is excessive packaging. Plastic wrapping, plastic containers, and plastic bags are all examples of products that are excessively packaged in order to protect them from contamination or spoilage. The problem with this type of packaging is not so much the amount of material used to wrap up a product but rather what happens when these packages are disposed of. They often end up in landfills where they take decades to decompose or litter our oceans. A simple solution for reducing your consumption of excessive packaging is avoiding buying products that have been excessively wrapped in plastic!


Plastics are poisoning our environment and we need to do something about it. The time for action is now, not tomorrow or next week. Let’s all work together in reducing plastic use in order to save the planet from toxic plastics that will be here long after we have passed on. The more people that join together, the bigger difference we can make as a collective society.

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