Chasing happiness is like chasing a ceaseless and invisible wind.

One day, we will realize that happiness is not all about visible treasures. It is not about going up with the recent stylish trend and fulfilling the demand of a fiery real world yet it is all about contentment of a having a simple yet colorful life. Perhaps chasing happiness is like chasing a ceaseless and invisible wind.


H-appiness is all
A-bout discovering
P-eace and serenity and the
P-erson you are becoming.
I-t is always about you who
N-ever gives up to
E-mbrace self-value and
S-eize hold of life as
S-imple as it is.

Are you in search of happiness?

I may consider myself to be the saddest and the most depressed person in the world, but I am not so desperate in searching for happiness.

I greatly believe that happiness is not a tangible thing and it is not something that is being attached to another matter to make someone happy. It is not even a goal, an aim, and an objective that whenever we want it, we could get it in a blink of time.

But happiness is a by product of a precious and priceless matter. When we are in search of happiness, it is like chasing a ceaseless and invisible wind.

Although I am taking a step to move on and move forward slowly, I admit that my heart is so badly broken for losing my beloved sister, @erikasue . My broken heart is longing for her presence and its every part seem so hard to to be sealed back to life. Happiness is hard to grasp yet only time will tell.

I remember I once had a broken leg due to fracture six months ago. Just like the worst thing I have ever experienced, until now it never healed perfectly. I admit that until now, it is still hurting when the days are cold and gloomy. But I am learning to endure the pain and I am learning to sway with the limp.

Similarly, losing her may have caused so much sadness, sorrow, and despair from within. It is like having a broken leg that do not heal in a short time so perfectly yet it is through acceptance that I am learning to dance with the limp while thinking about moving on and moving forward once more.

Chasing happiness is like chasing a ceaseless and invisible wind.

Happiness is beyond pleasure, joy, delight, and success. One day, we are going to realize that it is never about having the most luxurious life, having a Master’s and Doctorate degree, getting a highest-paying job, having a royalty lifestyle, and even being the richest man in the world. But happiness is discovering peace, hope, serenity, and freedom in listening and following our hearts as we live life with humility and simplicity.

As we go along with the various demands of the real world, sometimes we tend to forget to live a simple life with full of colors. Every so often, we are more focused on having the attention a fiery real world which led to an attitude of having a self-centered life that deprives happiness.

Personally, my happiness has no standards but I felt a light in the heart whenever I am close with the heart of nature wherein I am able to breath for life graciously. Somehow, I am quite healed whenever I will look at an amazing nature that surrounds me. Only time will heal and only time will tell that all is well.

Happiness is when my lonely soul unites with the amazing heart of nature…

Perhaps happiness is always about contentment, that is to live life to the fullest with full of colors despite being simple. It is always about being gentle to self and embracing the person we always want to become. It is all about giving time to value oneself through learning to live with self, and that happiness is never a goal to be achieved, and it is never in the hands of other people. Thus, chasing happiness is like chasing a ceaseless and invisible wind where joy and delight connects to a timeless soul.

Disclaimer: All texts and images are my own, unless otherwise stated.

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