Tenant turned Plumber - with photographic proof

Had a really lovely day today despite certain circumstances.

Last week a friend of mine, Coula, came to cut our hair in the apartment and only left here at about 11 pm after cutting my hair, Noah's hair and Antonis' hair.

Unbeknown to us an illegal act of cutting electricity and water was being performed and I only found out about this the following morning when my internet wasn't working and after trying out several plugs, checked the light switch to see my lights weren't working.

Very strategically done and to cause the most pain being a public holiday on Thursday.

There's a whole story behind all of this which I will definitely document next month. Cutting a long story short, I am leaving my rented penthouse at the end of October.

This morning having had no water in the bathroom, a friend of Eden's (my daughter) assisted my tenant, Antonis over the phone to check the boiler for me.

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proof of tenant turned plumber

Antonis to the rescue - checked the boiler and the tank was full. We, however, still don't have water in the bathrooms as there is air in the pipes and we will need to call in a plumber.

The view from the roof is really amazing.

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We recorded Eden playing the piano and singing her Nervo cover from this very rooftop.

Later I made myself a delicious omelette for lunch with calamata olives, cheese, tomato, yellow pepper, garlic and bresaola.

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No plumber, so Antonis and I decided to go to Columbia Beach for a coffee, a swim and a wonderful shower - they have the most amazing facilities there. It was his first time going there and I'm sure he will go many more times.

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Antonis and myself

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Back home refreshed and showered, Zara was waiting to sit with her study buddy

So even if I vented a little at the beginning of my post, I'm determined to keep up my attitude of gratitude and see this as the step in a new chapter in our lives.

Truly blessed to have wonderful people and family in my life.

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