Continuing my story

It was 4h30 in the morning (Tuesday) and Eden called the ambulance due to my oxygen testing low.

The ambulance driver said he would take me for tests and x-rays and return me home.

The Limassol Hospital was not a good experience. The nurse who jabbed me to get the drip in, did not succeed and caused quite a lot of blood. At 5h30 he said "Good Night"

The following day a really lovely doctor - named Michaeli came to look at my drip and nothing had worked the whole night. He gently re-did the job.

Later that morning I was told I was being transferred to Paphos Hospital. It was wonderful to see Lesley, albeit fo 2 minutes. She brought me Jack's spare phone as mine wasn't working for some reason.

Paphos was a huge improvement, however, I was upset that I was still in hospital and little did I know then that I was going to be there for 13 days.

I kind of felt that I was in jail and never going to be let out.

So good to be home now and I've been so spoilt with meals. Lee has been cooking vegetables in the slow cooker for me. Lovely tasty veg. After the very dry (and saltless) food in the hospital this was really a treat.

Yesterday I made myself a lovely pasta dish.



The ingredients were thinly sliced turkey, guerkins, tomato and olive sauce and grated cheese. Was very proud of myself.

More to come

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