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Do you think dogs are spiritual creatures? (See what my pets did).

If someone told me about ten years ago that I would come to love dogs so much, I would have screamed, oh lies and more lies but I am here today loving my pets so much that I get so scared when any slight thing happens to them, something strange happened between these pets today that made me believe the more that, these pets are strongly spiritual in nature, let me share my experience today with you.

I have a small pet (happy), she is an indoor dog, but my other dog (Denver), is the other aggressive and security-based dog, who has a house close to the gate, he is the one who informs us about strangers getting into the house, then we release him late at night to prevent intruders/thieves from getting in.


Denver has been sick for some days, he suddenly stopped eating and that is rather strange because on a normal day, he eats so much and I immediately know something is wrong when he doesn't eat as much. I avoid giving him my food because of the spice it contains and for the sake of his health, it is always a Christmas day celebration whenever I give him a home-cooked meal when I gave him and he still refused to eat, I knew something was definitely wrong.

I immediately called a vet and he started receiving treatments, I was so angry that he choose to fall sick when the Nigeria economy isn't smiling but I had no other option than to get him treated, the vet came around to inject him for about three days but although he was only eating eggs, he wasn't eating any other food given to him. After three days of treatment, the vet asked me to observe for two days but even after two days he was still not eating, so I had to contact a different vet who told me he had to admit him at his office. At this point, he has become so pale that he looked like an HIV carrier, and people were scared of even getting close to him (not like a lot of people could get close on a normal day anyways).

[Denver refusing to eat anything]

[He has lost so much weight]

I asked the vet to come to pick him up, and when he was being carried out of the house, the other little pet inside the house started to cry and scream so loud, the distance is far, and the doors were locked, I have never heard her cry so loud like that before, she only cries whenever she wants to relieve herself and she needs to be released. Immediately the vet left with Denver, and I went to release Happy she ran straight to Denver's home looking around for him, and when she didn't find him, she ran to the gate and started barking after him. Now my concern and question are, how on earth did she know that Denver was taken away, it's not even like they are best of friends, but this act what very strange to me and I said to myself, I had to come to share it with you here my friends. I really hope she survives the treatment and comes off strong.

Do you think dogs are spiritual beings, kindly share your opinion with me through the comment section.
