Glass & Clouds at Barnes-Jewish Hospital Photochain Challenge 📷⛓

Hello, Friends!

It's time again for another fun round of the PhotoChain Challenge!

The KEY-SUBJECTS for this week are 'GLASS' and 'CLOUDS'

Photographs included in my entry for this week's contest were taken at Barnes-Jewish Hospital located on the campus of the Washington University Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Barnes-Jewish Hospital along with the neighboring St. Louis Children's Hospital spans a large section of the Central West End. Between all of the different hospitals, buildings, towers and campuses, construction, street closures, etcetera, finding parking in the garages and navigating to the proper location for one's appointment can be a pain in the ass.

Glass bridge walkway from the parking garage to the main hospital

The past three four years (surgery was delayed a year due to the pandemic) have been filled with more visits than I can count for mom's doctor appointments, dozens of heart-related tests with strange acronymn names, labwork and repeated labwork in preparation leading up to my mother's AVR surgery. After a planned, lesser invasive TAVR procedure failed in April, the only option left was for Mom to return to have a sternotomy and directly insert the replacement aortic valve. The more invasive and risky surgery happened at the end of May and Mom has been recovering at my home since being discharged. Did I mention she also broke her shoulder in April just three days before the first attempted TAVR procedure? Unlucky

View of the sky from the glass bridge walkway

What inspires me the most about the angle of this particular photo is how there are two types of glass represented. We have the clear glass that was used in construction of the majority of the bridge walkway and then the tiny illuminated glass light bulbs as a bonus.

Please zoom in to see them.

Mirrored Queeny Tower

Queeny Tower, an iconic 17-story fixture that stood at the corner of Kingshighway and Barnes-Jewish Plaza for 55 years was being razed story by story for future hospital expansion. Source Queeny Tower


The above photo was taken looking out from the glass window of the hospital room where my mom stayed during her recovery. The luscious greenery and scenic views looking straight ahead were gorgeous while the sight of demolition equipment and daily noise related to the removal of Queeny Tower was less than ideal.

Every one of the photos in my post contain both of the required keywords for PhotoChain Contest 90.

If chosen, my key word is


This is my entry to PhotoChain Challenge Edition 90 hosted by the wonderful @davidesimoncini


Learn more about the contest and detailed rules by clicking 👉 here👈


Thank you for stopping by!

Have a great week, everyone!

© 2021 Nina Haskin. All rights reserved


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