1 bitcoin will be worth a million $

How bitcoin can be an instrument to defeat Authoritarian regimes.


I have been talking about this for years how the price was going to explode, look at what happened, Bitcoin is practically touching 50 thousand dollars and the estimate is that it will go much further, look at how it is an asset that is taking more and more growth, however the widespread use of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can serve much more than mitigate the difficult economic situation in Venezuela, Bitcoin could be seen as an instrument to avoid what states limited economic freedoms, and prevent inflation from being generated, issuing and issuing money for its populist purposes, hurting his pocket because of the devaluation of the Venezuelan and the case is applied to citizens worldwide.

Therefore, people tend to flee, migrate to cryptocurrencies to avoid being affected by hyperinflation and in fact take advantage of the deflationary debit behavior in which it is always rising due to the low supply of bitcoins that there is and the difficulty that constantly increases to To produce them, the Maduro regime tries to control cryptocurrencies because it is afraid of them, it knows that they can start a chain reaction that would diminish its power over the Venezuelan population; friends, what is the power of socialism that generates monopolies in information, oligopolies in what has been the economy, monopolies in absolutely everything, what is the main characteristic of bitcoin absolute decentralization, escape from that system where the banking and the state basically maintain a monopoly on the economic control of the people.

With Bitcoin, people have power, power to escape, like decentralized social networks like steemit and Hive, where censorship ceases to exist, where there really is, a true freedom to express what one truly needs to express, with the use of bitcoin can be a weapon to bring about the beginning of the end of totalitarian regimes, that is why it tries to monopolize access to mining devices, at the same time it invents a way to take advantage of them directly with the Chavista regime, bitcoin is at the same time a source of income because obviously they put their money to launder money.

For Venezuelans, the use of bitcoins is a way to escape hyperinflation and the economic crisis, in fact it is known that Venezuela is one of the countries that handles the most volume in cryptocurrencies, and I predict that in the future it will be worth a million dollars, Someday in a few years to come, it will be appreciated that the benefits are not only seen only in Venezuela, it can be observed worldwide, to escape the growing bad economy that will arise due to on the left, progressivism will end up reaching many of the large countries that today are considered great economic powers which will lead to the price of bitcoin to gradually skyrocket and continue to rise and rise.

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