Which job is right for me: corporate or decentralized?

Which job is right for me: corporate or decentralized?

Author: @nachomolina2
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"Man is inserted in society with the objective of playing a specific role and standing out in his functions as a productive being, capable of contributing ideas to the whole and contributing to the development of his environment in order to improve the quality of life. The importance of maintaining healthy relationships and making influences must be taken into account, since the concept of "commonwealth" is the best survival strategy in a social system where common interests are managed, although in many cases, marked differences can be established among peers. It is a matter of not forgetting the purpose of "give and take"; that is the altruistic attitude that guarantees coexistence and makes the effort worthwhile, in pursuit of an egalitarian system."



Corporate work

It becomes interesting to bring to the forefront the issue of corporate work, seen as an investment of time, effort and knowledge to obtain an economic benefit with which it becomes possible to support ourselves, save and cover basic needs.


"Moreover, corporate work is aimed at social advancement, since each activity or item is intended for the development of an aspect of life necessary for human beings to grow integrally, to have benefits, access to institutions, health, goods and services, etc."

Contributing directly to the progress of nations from a systematic and infrastructural point of view.



Professionalism in the company

The professional area is a challenge for the citizen, who must invest time and resources in his preparation, to be academically trained and obtain a license that accredits him as a university professional.


There are also other forms of job preparation that encompass technical, blue-collar, artisan or manufacturing performance, each subject to a scale of value commensurate with the exercise of functions.

"It should be noted that the "Company" is an organizational structure that requires qualified personnel in the different strata of operation, therefore, each of the workers perform a specific task and articulate functions to achieve work goals proposed by the organization and are mutually inclusive from the business point of view."



Employer figure

Centralized workplaces are governed by an employer figure. In both the public and private sectors, the image of a "Boss" is positioned at the head of the organization chart of the company or institution, who is in charge of delegating functions, ensuring the fulfillment of objectives, accountability to other superior instances, among other actions.


Jobs in the real world generate added value and social interest, which adds value to the company for its growth and maintenance while it is responsible for providing a contribution to society with the provision of services.

What are the advantages of corporate work?

  • Teamwork is predominant
  • There is great communicational power and person-to-person contact.
  • You work under a contract
  • Guaranteed salaries
  • Contractual benefits
  • Social protection
  • Labor law
  • Others


Some disadvantages of corporate work

  • Decisions, functions and competencies are concentrated in a higher body
  • Lower levels of the organization have less growth
  • There is no autonomy
  • There may be overexploitation of human resources in exchange for the same salary.
  • Fixed incomes based on a salary tabulator
  • Bureaucracy exists
  • Influence management
  • Others

"This subjective explanation made by me, in broad strokes, is intended to illustrate how the performance of man in his job is of vital importance to society and how in that same measure the company grows, generating progress and improvements from the socio-economic point of view."

Note: The term corporate work is used to refer to physical, face-to-face work, stationed in some office position in the public or private company, which is controlled by a central entity where all the power resides. As opposed to blockchain work which refers to decentralized, autonomous, virtual and remote work, where there is no "Boss" figure.



Working on the blockchain

For its part, working on a decentralized social media platform represents a novel as well as authentic modality that can be taken as a complementary activity to business work.

In some cases, it is known of who have found in the blockchain a primary means of income given the amount of opportunities it offers, as well as, its autonomous nature. That will depend on the economic reality of each person and each country.



Working 24/7 on the blockchain has high demands when it comes to viewing it as a lucrative mode for personal or family sustenance.

"In the specific case of a "content creator", it will require discipline, commitment and dedication to maintain a high enough standard of quality to generate a steady income to take on this activity as a main job or to claim retirement from this medium."




Benefits of blockchain

It is the dream of any worker to become the owner of his own company. Set your own work rules and manage your capital.

Taking into account that to set up a small personal company you will need to have a series of essential resources such as: office, implements, materials, work equipment and an initial capital to invest, then thinking about a virtual alternative such as the one offered by the blockchain becomes really attractive.

Working in the blockchain also involves risks

First of all we have that the economic unit of the blockchain is the cryptocurrency, which is volatile and with abrupt directional changes. In such sense, investing in crypto implies a risk capital that must be managed with caution and through certain technical knowledge of the stock market.

On the other hand, it must be considered that there is the computer risk and Internet pirates.


"Although working on the blockchain seems like a simple task, it should be noted that it requires great sacrifice and dedication. It should be noted, that just as it can be an immensely lucrative activity it also comes with certain weaknesses."



The following are some advantages and disadvantages of blockchain for a content creator, in order to get an idea of the pros and cons of working with this technology, as well as its profitability.


  • No start-up capital required (just open a free account)
  • You can work from the comfort of your home
  • You can select the activity you like the most
  • Income proportional to effort
  • Weekly payment
  • Possibility to save and invest in encryption
  • You do not receive orders, since you are your own boss.
  • You choose your own working hours
  • Growth of your account and reputation
  • Influence generation
  • Commonality
  • Others



  • Depends on an Internet connection
  • May be affected by Internet restrictions
  • Can be affected by power or telephone service failures
  • The cryptocurrency fluctuates and can generate losses without prior notice
  • According to the laws of each country there may be regulation on the use of cryptocurrencies
  • There is no job security (If you don't work, you have no income)
  • There may be work overload, since you work 24/7 alone and without help
  • Voting or ratings are not guaranteed
  • Risk of cyber attack
  • Financial feasibility will depend on the economic reality or cost of living in each country (*).
  • Others

(*) In countries with emerging economies, where there is hyperinflation, the income generated by the blockchain can represent a great benefit because sometimes it exceeds the amount of the minimum wage, on the other hand, for other countries with solid economies where there is practically no inflation, the income obtained by publishing on a platform represents an amount quite lower based on the average salary.



Final thoughts

Both work models (Corporate and decentralized), confer the economic benefit we need to develop, everything is in knowing how to take advantage of the opportunities in the best way.

The human being requires a permanent and solid source of income with which to meet their needs, this implies having advocacy, dedication, discipline and commitment to make it work.



"As another option you could try to have two jobs one physical (corporate) and one decentralized, to handle a dual proposal and have the opportunity to be your own boss. Keeping in mind that this requires great work performance, however, will represent two simultaneous sources of income which will undoubtedly improve our quality of life. We should try not to neglect any of the other aspects of our life, such as: Family, studies, home, couple, etc."

Both centralized and decentralized work have their pros and cons, but basically, in my opinion, both fit the reality of today's society. They can provide long term benefits as long as they are well managed and are undertaken with selflessness and professionalism.




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