Build a 'fact-checking' habit!

Fact-checking is way more important than we think. Noe just on social media or news but also in real life. Just think about how many times you think wrong about someone else in your real life? It's because most of us don't usually have the habit of a fact-check.



Even if we understand the necessity of it, if we don't believe in everything we see and listen but still it's quite normal to not have an idea how to fact-check.

But this is important to not just politically or socially correct. But most importantly this habit will give you a better idea about your self-emotions and thoughts. Because you also will learn to cross-check your emotions and thoughts as well.

Let's see how we can start doing this in real life.

Take a moment to understand the background. Why people are saying this and what could be the reason. Not only that, try to evaluate why you are feeling in such a way and how.

Try to understand the reason behind the thing. Like what will be their gain. Happiness, anger, validation. What makes anyone do this. You don't have to get a 100% accurate answer if that's not possible. But increase the habit to know the reason behind everything.

Our emotions usually ignore the reason and background when the content is strong. Like when we have any issue with someone we tend to believe something false even if we know that. We can't practice fact-checking if we can't be real to ourselves and objective when it comes to judging someone.

Take a step behind and see from a different angle before believing everything you see and believe. This habit will help you a lot to have a better and true perspective about others!

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