A cultural heritage of styling hair. Koroba, the basket shape hairstyle

Hello Hive

Will you be comfortable in a traditional hairstyle in this modern age?

This is one of Africans heritage that seem to be going into extinction lately but the hair styling culture is held with high regards in our elementary school.

Visiting an rural setting will expose you to these kinds of culture diversified in different hairstyle dressing language and a lot more.

We have local names for these hairstyles and if you are not familiar with the language you will find these amusing.



This hairstyle is called koroba in our native Yoruba language. Its a style of hairdo where every roll is picked from the center of the head and plaited round the head in the shape of a basket.
It can be weaved using the corn roll method or a two hand way of weaving hair that is equally common here and also seen the two children's hair below.

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My baby sis was to make her hair in that manner as the hairdo for the week and after describing it I partitioned her hair and weaved each section per time.


The question is can you rock this kindof hairdo in a modern world where everything circles around perming and fixing of weavons?.

Others find a way to brighten this up by adding beads and pearls after plaiting.

Personally I have not come around or settled with fixing my hair unless for occasionally usage of wigs when there's a serious outing.

I do feel some form of discomfort with fixing weavons and they don't last more than a week on my head.
I could possibly rock this but with extra touches 😊.

To round this up I would like to enjoin you not to forget your heritage you can be creative and add some modern touches to your traditional way of doing things.

Thanks for stoping by.

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