India's Democracy is saved from getting captured by dictatorial forces!


Modi fell short of the numbers required to establish his autocracy!

As India’s Central Government 2024 Lok Sabha election results came yesterday, it was a sign of relief for India for there is not going to be a dictatorship hack of India’s Democracy that was looking to be crushed by Modi. Now, Modi BJP has become BJP, Modi is no more the Kingmaker!

Modi resigns as Prime Minister with the 17th Lok Sabha now dissolved making way for the formation of new Government.

Modi aimed for his party, (his Modi BJP brand one) to win
absolute majority. So, in Lok Sabha Lower house of the Indian Parliament, he aimed to get something above 350 seats to 400 seats out of 543 seats.

For this, Modi BJP party's machinery did everything possible – as the Election Commission of India(ECI) that oversees the election process itself came under Modi as he and his party comrade, Home Minister, Amit Shah only choose the Election Commissioners.

Advantage BJP with 1 seat already in its kitty without contesting!

Also strangely Modi BJP already won 1 seat of Surat in Gujarat without contesting because all the party candidates withdrew from contesting after the nomination of Congress’s party main candidate got rejected due to some problem with his nomination papers.


BJP party candidate was declared the winner, although there still could have been elections with voters been given the choice to vote for him or “NOTA’, which is “None of the Above” option, so that the Right to vote rights of Indian Citizens is not denied to them.

There is suspicion that Modi BJP’s machinery was behind these 8 candidates withdrawing their candidature either through favorable deals or coercion. It certainly is undemocratic to have a party candidate form Government in a place without being voted to power!

Modi BJP machinery seized away Organic votes going India Bloc's way through force

So, Modi BJP already won a seat without needing to contest for it!

Besides this, since the entire election machinery was controlled by Modi BJP including ECI and police, a lot of people mostly Muslims were prevented from voting.

There were reports of voters being intimidated by BJP candidates, of them being beaten by police and many not finding their names on the voter list. Some booth-capturing reports also sprouted where some other elements intimidated the voter, and voted on behalf of the voter!

At many booths, inconvenience was created for voters with the voting process slowed down. So, voters waited in ques which was difficult for them also because of the extreme hot weather contidions during the election period.

There were instances of EVM breaking down in places, that delayed the process of election and dissuaded voters from voting.

This way, a section of voters who intended to vote for INDIA Bloc were dissuaded to vote, and left without casting their vote.

The heat wave conditions in these 2024 Lok Sabha elections were so intense that there were instances of election personnel in poll booths dying inflicted with heat stokes in India.

Inspite of the election processes conducted to favor Modi BJP unfairly, they fail to get the numbers!


Also, as EVMs were under the control of Modi BJP-controlled ECI and were manufactured by Public Sector Units having connections with BJP ministers there is a huge possibility these EVMs were designed to provide bonus votes to Modi BJP.

So… it's amazing that despite all the cheating Modi BJP did, the party manages to not even cross the majority mark of 272 seats on their own. Currently, the BJP alone gets 240 seats but together with their allies, they manage to cross the required majority mark of 272 seats, bagging 286 seats under the banner of National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

Source NDA coalition's party wise vote break down details

Modi BJP shrinks down to BJP & has to function respecting democratic processes now!

However, this means Modi BJP becomes BJP and Modi is no more the King maker as he does not have the brute power to take over India's Democracy and set his dominance.

Now, whoever forms Government has to function under India’s Democratic framework already set by India’s Constitution.

This means Modi's power and influence will be kept in check. BJP are freed from Modi's grip, as Party becomes bigger than Modi. They are free to choose another leader to be India's Prime Minister now too

The emerging PM figure, whoever that is will also be kept in check by opposition ministers in the Parliament. Whatever laws and bills are going to be passed will have to have consensus from the opposition ministers after debate and scrutiny.

SOurce Modi forced to negotiate with his NDA partner leaders, to form Government now, they have the upper hand now!. No one looks happy here.

PM would be answerable for all policy actions as well, to other opposition ministers in the Parliament. Indian citizens' basic rights and freedom would be protected. There is no fear of India's Constitution being changed now as earlier,

Freedom of speech grows for us to highlight Government's malpractices without fear

Activists can now raise their voices and protest on issues without fear of Government repression, journalists can write factual details about Government’s policy actions without fear, so can other youtube podcasters talk on Government policies, and misgovernance without fear.

It’s a relief.

I am hoping for a lot more democratic forces powering Indians now. There is a lot more to write but its safe to say, India is saved from slipping into darkness of Modi’s dictatorship.

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