[ESP-ENG] Iniciativa : Top 5 de cosas tontas que me molestan 😠 FUN Initiative: Top 5 silly things that bother me

Excelente día, apreciados hivers , espero estén genial. Hoy me uno a la iniciativa de @canelarecetas que encontré en las lecturas diarias de post, nos invita a comentar 5 cosas tontas que nos molesta, quizås son tontas para otros pero en ese momento fue de mucha molestia.

Te Molesta.gif

Imagen propia. Editada en Canva, con recursos propios del editor.
Julio, 2021.

Como seres sociales vivimos rodeados de personas en los diferentes lugares que nos toca desenvolvernos por las actividades que desarrollamos y por los grupos a los que pertenecemos, hay normas sociales y valores que se ponen en prĂĄctica pero individualmente el proceder de otros nos afecta.

1.- La impuntualidad.

Para algunos ser imputual no es signo de molestar a otros porque dentro de su naturaleza son asĂ­. Pues, ser impuntual si afecta a quienes formamos parte de grupos. Me molestaba enormemente cuando se decidĂ­a una hora para reunirse a realizar un trabajo escolar, liceo o universitario la mayorĂ­a no llegaba a la hora pautada. Parece que cada dĂ­a esta prĂĄctica se intensificaba con el tiempo a pesar de tantas charlas escolares en relaciĂłn a este tema.

2.- El desorden.

En casa, cuando te levantas te dicen arregla tu cama cada vez que la uses, Âżque pasaba que cuando otros la usaban y la dejaban desarreglada?. Igual con los objetos personales que los tomaban prestados y los dejaban en otro lugar.

Te Molesta.jpg

Imagen propia. Editada en Canva, con recursos propios del editor.
Julio, 2021.

3.- Que me pidan.

Me choca, todavĂ­a, aunque ya lo manejo mejor. La molestia era mĂĄs grande cuando se repartĂ­a un dulce, una torta, que me pidieran torta, cuando se sabĂ­a que se iba a compartir entre los presentes. Yo decĂ­a para que me piden, no deberĂ­a darles.

4.-Que no hagan las cosas en el tiempo que deben hacerlo.

Esto lo refiero cuando eran actividades del hogar, barrer, lavar los platos, lavar el baño...y que la persona que le tocaba la tarea no lo hacía. Igual transciende en labores académicas y laborales, sentía que estaba perdiendo mi tiempo. Lo llamo ser irresponsable...ahora como que abunda mås o las personas son mas light...o ha cambiado el estilo.

5.- Que vengan a quejarse.

Hoy dĂ­a, es muy comĂșn, pero igual me ponĂ­a mal, escuchar a alguien quejarse por todo, pero no buscaban opciones para dejar a un lado la queja. DespuĂ©s que leĂ­ mucho acerca de este tema coloquĂ© un cartelito que decĂ­a si viene a quejarse, deje la queja y pase solo (a), ja ja ja.

Estas son las 5 cosas tontas que me molestan,
quizĂĄs para mi son de mucha importancia,
pero para otros son tontas.

Invito a @actioncats @mayllerlys a participar.

CortesĂ­a de @mayvileros

Logo CortesĂ­a de @sound1music
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Excellent day, dear hivers , hope you are great. Today I join the initiative of @canelarecetas that I found in the daily post readings, invites us to comment 5 silly things that bothers us, maybe they are silly for others but at the time was of much annoyance.

Te Molesta.gif

Own image. Edited in Canva, with publisher's own resources.
July, 2021.

As social beings we live surrounded by people in the different places where we develop our activities and the groups to which we belong, there are social norms and values that are put into practice but individually the behavior of others affects us.

1.- Unpunctuality.
for some people, being unpunctual is not a way to bother others because it is in their nature to be that way. Well, being unpunctual does affect those of us who are part of groups. It bothered me enormously when a time was decided to meet to do a school, high school or university work, most did not arrive at the scheduled time. It seems that every day this practice intensified over time despite so many school talks regarding this issue.

2.- The disorder.
At home, when you get up you are told to fix your bed every time you use it, it used to happen that when others used it they left it untidy. The same with personal belongings that they borrowed and left them somewhere else.

Te Molesta.jpg

Own image. Edited in Canva, with publisher's own resources.
July, 2021.

3.- That they ask me.

shocks me, still, though I'm handling it better now. The annoyance was greater when a sweet, a cake was distributed, that they asked me for cake, when it was known that it was going to be shared among those present. I would say why are they asking me, I shouldn't give them.


4.-That they don't do things in the time that they should do it.

I refer to this when they were household activities, sweeping, washing dishes, washing the bathroom...and the person who had to do the task did not do it. The same goes for academic and work tasks, I felt that I was wasting my time. I call it being irresponsible...now it's more abundant or people are more light...or the style has changed.

5.- Let them come to complain.

Nowadays, it is very common, but it still made me sick, to hear someone complaining about everything, but not looking for options to stop complaining. After I read a lot about this topic I put up a little sign that said if you come to complain, stop complaining and come in alone, ha ha ha.

These are the 5 silly things that annoy me,
maybe for me they are of great importance,
but for others they are silly.

I invite @actioncats @mayllerlys to participate

Courtesy of @mayvileros

Logo Courtesy of @sound1music.
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