[ESP /ENG ] Degustando unos ricos ponquesitos/ Tasting some delicious cupcakes


Feliz fin de semana mi queridos hivers, hoy me dieron este pequeño detalle y quería compartirlo contigo.

Happy weekend my dear hiver, today they gave me this little detail and I wanted to share it with you.

Unos ricos ponquesitos de chocolate cubiertos de nutella y mantequilla de maní, estos son pequeños detalles que alegran tu paladar.

Some rich chocolate muffins covered with nutella and peanut butter, these are small details that make your palate happy.


Estaban muy ricas, me encanta el chocolate y que mejor forma de comerlo con esta delicia.

They were very tasty, I love chocolate and what better way to eat it with this delight.

Son perfectos a la hora de merendar, con buena taza de café.

They are perfect when it comes to having a snack, with a good cup of coffee..



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