Hello everyone 🤩

Yeah , the week is going to an end, and I could say it's almost weekend too. It's another learn and earn contest and I'm happy that I'm privilege to participate in the contest. I've learnt a lot during the course of this week from different authors, as you all know that we have countless talented authors who wrote from experience to enlighten others , now I will be using this moment to share what I learnt this week, but before that, more shout out to @jizzyjoe for organising this contest.

Learning continues.....

Stop Worrying! Your Wallet Is Too Small To Hack post link

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This is a post that everyone should learn from, though it was a bitter experience, the author @dreemsteem shared her experience about her account that was Hacked.

This is an occurrence that can happen to you and me, so she outlined some points to keep your wallet safe.

  • Update your password
  • Set a password that will be very difficult to guess
  • Creating a new e-mail address that is basically used for crypto.

Ooops! I'm going too far, it will be best if you can go through the post , there are lot contained in it.

The Madness Of The Creative Process post link

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To say nothing but the truth, i find this post so interesting, @mesageta298 really hit the nail on its head, his main point is about writers, he talked about what they should consider before writting , and he made us to understand the whole concept of a writer in which he said that a writer should write to satisfy their readers .
The post contains the qualities that a good writer should posses . I shared my experience as a writer too from my comment on the post


Don't hesitate to check the post.

What Makes Me Happy?post link

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The author @merit.ahama talked about what she derives happiness from, she outlined some of the things that made her happy which are:

  • Her family
  • Music
  • writing
  • delicious food and
  • Friends

Everyone have one or two things that Make them to be happy, yours might be different from mine.
Check on the post to get the full gist about the author source of happiness

Dangerous Assumption post link

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Ho my gosh! this short story is a banger 💥🤣, @kemmyb nailed it. It's all about the negative thought we assume in our heart , having unnecessary hatred on someone due to one reason or the other.

In the story , the person that was hated so much turns out to be the source of promotion, imagine that logic. We have to be careful on how we assume some negative thought about others.

Oh I need to stop here, just take your time to feel the fun in the story

Photomontage post link

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@emmilee explained how he edited a photo step by step using Photoshop Cc 2016. A tutorial on how the photo was edited which comes out to be beautiful was well explained.

You can also make use of the method in designing your photos, trust me, it will come out beautiful.
Check on her post to see the full details on how she achieve that beautiful photo

I'm going to drop my pen here, I'm passionate to learn more, learning never ends, he who stop learning stop to aquire wisdom, and so , I'm inviting @cescajove and @projectmamabg to participate in this contest.

Thanks for visiting my blog 💖, await more of it 🤩🤩

All image from the author

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