Mariana: a business full of love

Greetings dear friends Hive. Imagination, is a window that we all have. I invite you to read this love story.

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The cold of November in Vancouver made Mariana desperately run to that restaurant where she quickly brought back so many memories. Almost five years had passed since she did not go to that place, but she could not help it, her feet and her heart quickly took her to that warm and welcoming place.

The good thing about that place is that in that season it was little visited, so that relaxed her, not having to greet and smile at anyone, it seemed perfect, but it was not. He came in, after so many years without seeing him, there he was. So many places on the planet and there he was. Hearts were simply attracted.

She thought the rain and being soaked had driven her crazy, she lowered her head, took a sip of coffee, looked up and yes, it was him.

He got up, tipped the waiter and wanted to escape from that nightmare, but the eyes of the two simply met. It was Rodrigo Franco who had entered that restaurant.

Like a puzzle everything fell back into his mind. It can not be, it can not be! She whispered to herself.

He had forgotten how handsome and sexy he looked in his distressed jeans and a plain white shirt.

It seemed very strange to see it so simple, because his clothing was more formal, jackets and suits of brands.

  • From so many places in the world, we both choose the same place, Mariana.
  • I just got off the plane, she said surprised, you have no idea that you frequent this place after so many years?
  • And you come to hide until now? He said sarcastically.
  • No, on the contrary, I come to put my head in order.

The families of both were wealthy and members of a large company in New York, they knew each other from a very young age. The attraction of the other was indisputable.

  • You won't have confused of place? He laughed out loud. No, Mariana replied. I know where I am.

  • What's wrong, why so many questions? I already told you that I came to clear my mind, something like a vacation, but I see that it is difficult to have them.

Mariana, she had no choice but to pretend tiredness with a half yawn and say goodbye with the phrase: "See you soon Franco".

When he arrived at the hotel where he had booked, he remembered the exquisite fragrance of that handsome and chivalrous man with whom he had spent so many moments of passion and desire. So many shared kisses, so many caresses.

What's up Mariana? Don't kid yourself, that man is your worst suffering. Until now and it was just a coincidence, but not more.

Mariana had left the reception desk saying not to be disturbed at all, she didn't want calls, unless it was her sister Micaela, who was the only one who knew where she was, in case of an emergency. She asked for water, ice and some pills to calm her migraine.

He turned on the water, put it at room temperature, undressed to relax in the tub. Two light knocks knocked on the door. He took one of the towels for cover and opened it.

Franco, what are you doing here? The desire to jump on her invaded her. His mind traveled quickly as if he had already lived that chapter of his life. Her body trembling and desirous of that man who for years traveled every inch of her skin, those hands that were dying to sleep on his waist ... there he came to himself and covered himself more with the tiny towel that covered her.

Franco, was a little scared to see Mariana's astonished face. I knew it hadn't been a good idea. I followed you to find out which hotel you were staying at. And the receptionist told me your room number.

Sorry, I didn't want to bother you, on the contrary. But he kept looking into her eyes, and the lips that he nibbled so many times and ran with his tongue. She was his drug, his desire, he was dying to remove the towel and kiss her from the feet to the head, but he did not.

She quickly got dressed in the bathroom and left.

Are you following me? - Mariana asked.

No, I just wanted to walk a little and I thought it was nice that you were here. And I did not want to miss the opportunity to see you and speak again, after so many years. I think that since the last board of directors everything went very wrong, many strong things were said that day. And I think the signing of that clause definitely distanced us.- Franco said, fixing his gaze on his silhouette.

Yes, since that time we did not see each other-Mariana replied quickly, and putting on her coat she said: What are we waiting for, let's go for a walk!

The clause that they signed in those years prohibited that between the partners there was any kind of romance, the children of the majority shareholders, who were the parents of them, had inherited Mariana and Franco. What the parents had not noticed is that they had been in love for a long time.

The first to sign the document was Franco, Mariana took the same pen and hated her signature, feeling that she had died that day. No one noticed. Cups were raised to seal that covenant that over the years became increasingly stronger among their parents.

A day after thinking it over calmly, she walked into Franco-Winisk's office and let her father know that he wanted nothing to tie her to the company, his father refused.

Franco loved and loved this woman, he knew that he had never stopped feeling attracted, and it was not just for sex, it shook him, drove him crazy, made him not think, uncontrolled him.

They walked a long time talking superficial things without touching subjects that would explode like bombs or grenades, perhaps not to get away after so many years.

Franco couldn't take it anymore, he was dying to touch her, smell her, feel her and Mariana the same, but he couldn't take that first step.

He grabbed her tight, grabbed her around the waist and hugged her, neither of them saying anything. Two hearts beating at full speed. Mariana let go, slid her hands and managed to feel his chest. Franco took the opportunity to smell her hair, breathe on her very slowly as if she had run out of oxygen. The explosion occurred at the moment of joining their lips that wanted to eat alive, the rhythm varied between fast, slow and soft.

Franco found it difficult to remain calm by having her so close. He stopped staring at her, which made Mariana open her eyes quickly, scared not knowing what was going through her mind.
He just said: "We had everything to be happy Mariana, what happened to us"?


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