Lo que no vio el ser del ojo

Entra él con su ojo,
no necesita más que uno solo,
con el observa todo,
no necesita anteojos.

He enters with his eye, he does not need more than one eye, he observes everything with it, he does not need glasses.


Llega el buitre leonado,
y se para justo al lado,
el ojo no logra observarlo,
parece que no ve tan bien,
como lo habíamos pensado.

The griffon vulture arrives and stops right next to it, the eye can't see it, it doesn't seem to see as well, as we had thought.


Y el buitre empieza a molestarlo,
con su gran pico lo va pellizcando,
el ojo no puede encontrarlo,
hasta que decide cubrirse,
pensando que es lluvia lo que lo está tocando.

The vulture starts to bother it and with its big beak it pinches it, the eye can't find it, until it decides to cover itself, thinking it's rain that's touching him.


El buitre se va,
al parecer lo llama su mamá,
el ser del ojo se levanta y ya,
se sacude la lluvia,
que cree tener atrás
y nunca sabrá lo que pasó de verdad.

The vulture leaves, apparently his mother calls him, the being with the eye gets up and goes, shakes off the rain, he thinks he has behind him and will never know what really happened


Stopmotion y cuento original de
Margarita Palomino

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