A Day At The Beach With My Family After So Long!

Hello, Dear Hivers! | Hola, Queridos Hivers!

Yesterday my aunt Mirna, my uncle Ubaldo, and my cousin Jose Carlos came from Puerto Ordaz to Cumaná after two years!


They arrived yesterday night, and stopped by just to say hello before going to their apartment here.
Their visit was supposed to be a surprise, but they sent a picture of their trip through the family WhatsApp group, and we caught them!
Of course, at the begging we thought it could be a joke since they always joke about their road trips, but when we heard my aunt Mirna's voice saying "BUENAAAAS" We nearly died of happiness!!


The next day (today), they came at noon, along with another aunt and family, to pick us up to go to the beach. We don't usually go to the beach so late, but this was a special occasion, so we agreed to go.


Years ago, when the whole family was in Venezuela, we used to go to our beach house very often. But as the time went by, some relatives moved out of the country, and besides that, our beach house was invaded, so we lost it.


Anyway. We went to the public beach, and had a lot of fun there!
The water was very cold, but still great.
We ate, we talked, we remembered, we laughed, and spent a beautiful moment as family ❤️


I really missed them. I didn't know how much until I saw them in front of me. They're very important and special for me. I love them so much and I'm very happy they came.


Thanks For Stopping By!

Stay true to yourself always with a smile on your face


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