Daily Splinterlands Report #323 | Quick giveaway inside!

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Hello players of Splinterlands!!!

Welcome to my daily Splinterlands post #323.

In here, we talk about Splinterlands, mainly my daily quests and loot chests, tournaments and exciting decks and gameplays.

How far your bad luck can drive you? Imagine you have just bought a new Motorbike and next two days you can't go outside to play with it because the God of Rain has forgotten to switch off the rain pump. :(

Yes, it is happening to me and I may get crowned soon with the un-luckiest person of the year. Today also I wasn't able to ride because of this sudden bad weather with continuous heavy rainfall. I am sad, I am angry and there is only one thing that can swing my mood, SPLINTERLANDS!

And yes! After opening the loot chests of today's Quest, It really changed my mood when I pulled a Gold Foil Epic! Look below.

Ok, let's be back to business and have a look at my daily stats.

  • I am back to Champion III again and currently holding 4075 trophies!

  • DEC bar is currently at 92%. After posting, I am willing to play again until I reach Champ 2, let's see how far I can get. ;)

  • I have also completed the quest. look ahead!

Daily Quest rewards:




Neoxian guild status:

We are doing really great. We are currently holding the fourth position, and we are a max level guild. We have already started collecting DEC for the upcoming Land update.

Only 83 quests remain until we reach the last quest level - 10. We are getting +15% DEC for every ranked match win and +08% dec shop bonus currently.

We have to upgrade our quest guild again next season so that we can move to this last tier.

Giveaway Corner:

I will give a random card to the first right answer to my question below. Answer in the comment section of this post.

State 3 monsters that have the cleanse ability.

Please comment down below.

Remember, only the first comment holder will get the prize.

Upvote, follow or reblog is not necessary but highly appreciated as it will help more players with their decks.

Yesterday @gregory-f has given the first right answer. So he is today's winner!

I have sent you a GOBLIN THIEF!

Alright guys! See you in my next post!!!

Until then, keep fighting!




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