Instead of saving what is left after spending, spend what is left after saving,,,

Hello friends....

Good evening friends how are you all my friends hope all is well i am mamun among you again to discuss some important issues i am sharing this post with you today.

As always, today I will share some important things about our daily life, whether you think it is advice or motivation, it is entirely up to you.

* The topic I will discuss with you today is ,,,

Survivors of the fall of Cost should spend what is left after depositing rather than saving ...


In fact, there are many people in our society who have a steady income and do not hesitate to spend because their source of income is so great that they do not even know where to spend it.

But if this is a normal household, will it be acceptable at all because you have a future? Your next generation is looking at you. What you are leaving for them is what everyone wants. What my parents have left for me. I tell myself my parents. Of course I do find out now.

If my parents at the time thought that I should spend what is left after saving some money, then maybe they could have left something good for me today but they did not do it and spent as they pleased and the last thing they saw was nothing left after that. For they could not leave anything for their children.


In fact, what I mean by that is that it is the duty of every human being to pray for the next generation and to collect some of the honors left for the next generation.

Suppose a boy from a rich family takes a lot of friends with him wherever he goes and he spends so much money that people will be surprised to see him but when he looks inside he understands that the boy has no income and every day he depends on his father's money.

With such a discount, most of the time those children go astray because they are not afraid. They think that I have money. My father has money. I will do whatever I want if you give your son the money he needs. He would take account of what you did with the money, but your son or daughter could not go the wrong way because they were worried that I would have to answer to my parents for what I would spend.


So friends, I will say one thing, it will be better for everyone to spend after saving than to save, so everyone will move forward by paying attention to your next generation.

I hope you like this little word and I hope you will understand if there is any problem in understanding or if there is any mistake in my writing you will look at it with a look of forgiveness. Thank you all for reading my post.

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I am Md. Mamun, Bangladeshi. However, due to work, I am currently living in Malaysia as an expatriate. I express my feelings through writing and share my experiences through video. But I love to sing, so I sing in my spare time. Love to make friends. Love and try to enjoy life.

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