Editing photos of flowers that enhance the beauty of the environment and enhance the attractiveness of the people.

Hello Wonderful GEMS Community,

Sadly, I have been told that I have to minimize the content of my writing due to the busy schedule these days. Similarly, I have limited access to other content creators. But that doesn’t mean I’m leaving the stage. I am bound to do my best whenever possible. I also work to increase my creativity. Therefore, I now offer a few photo versions of flowers that enhance the beauty of the environment and attract more people.


People living today are undergoing a major technological breakthrough. On the one hand, it benefits us. On the other hand there are no disadvantages. But positive people do not hesitate to take advantage of everything. I too live in that society. A few days ago, I visited a friend's house and saw some beautiful flowering scenes. So I offered to edit the photos without submitting them in the same color.


The coronavirus of those days does not allow us to travel far from home. Therefore, I am not able to present the content of the tour but I have provided a description of the recent travels through this platform. It is due to the prevailing infection that no new tours are offered. So there are only so many different shapes of flowers and trees to offer. So for today's content, I chose the flowering scenes.


If you love the environment, you will definitely appreciate the beauty of these flowers. At the time of flowering, it is not so beautiful. It is like a baby inside the womb, but how beautiful is it when the baby is out of the womb? Similarly, how beautiful is it when the flower comes out of the bud? A flower faces the same conditions that compelled it to compare with human life.


Some photos bring more beauty to the original colors. But some photo editing adds more beauty. Although I am not a Diploma holder in photography, I have a general knowledge of photography. I have also developed my photography skills today. It is also being developed. As a lover of the environment, I will never hesitate to photograph the romantic moments there. Unfortunately with the corona virus, my abilities are undermined. But I know very clearly that it is temporary.


Roses are a symbol of love. So you are in charge of turning the beauty into something beautiful. You see the colors of the roses here. So as a modification I have edited all these photos. Through that I have made it possible for you to see these photos in a different way.


I hope you'll interesting to read and see my this blog. So thank you guys.





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